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Now therefore send word quickly and tell David, saying, Do not lodge tonight at the fords of the wilderness, but pass over by all means; otherwise, the king will be swallowed up, as well as all the people who are with him.

Now therefore put away the foreign gods that are among you, and incline your hearts to Jehovah the God of Israel. 23约书亚说,你们现在要除掉你们中间的外邦神,倾心归向耶和华以色列的神。
Now therefore restore it peacefully. 现在你要和和平平的将这地归还。
Now therefore return and go in peace, so that you do not do anything displeasing to the lords of the Philistines. 7现在你可以平平安安的回去,免得你作非利士人首领不喜欢的事。
Now therefore rise up; go forth and comfort the hearts of your servants. 7现在你当起来,出去安慰你仆人的心。
Now therefore send someone and bring him to me, for he is as good as dead. 现在你要打发人去,将他捉拿交给我;他是该死的。
Now therefore send word quickly and tell David, saying, Do not lodge tonight at the fords of the wilderness, but pass over by all means; otherwise, the king will be swallowed up, as well as all the people who are with him. 16现在你们要急速打发人去,告诉大卫说,今夜不可住在旷野的渡口,务要过河,免得王和跟随他的众人都被吞灭。
Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you before the LORD of all the righteous acts of the LORD, which he did to you and to your fathers. 7现在你们要站住,等我在耶和华面前对你们讲论耶和华向你们和你们列祖所行一切公义的事。
Now therefore swear to me by Jehovah that you will not cut off my seed after me and that you will not destroy my name from my father's house. 21现在你要指着耶和华向我起誓,不剪除我的后裔,不从我父家除灭我的名。
Now therefore take and cast him into the plat of ground, according to the word of the LORD. 这是耶和华说的,现在你要照着耶和华的话,把他抛在这田间。
Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast despised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. 10你既藐视我,娶了赫人乌利亚的妻为妻,所以刀剑必永不离开陪的家。
Now therefore the sword shall never depart from thine house; because thou hast de ised me, and hast taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be thy wife. 10你既藐视我,娶了赫人乌利亚的妻为妻,所以刀剑必永不离开陪的家。

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