Most Meguiar's waxes, paint protectants, spray waxes and pure polishes can be used to successfully fill in and hide fine scratches and swirls.
美光的很多蜡,漆面保护剂、喷雾蜡和抛光剂可用于有效的弥补和隐藏划痕。 |
Most Moslem women wear veils in public places.
大多数穆斯林妇女在公共场所都戴着面纱。 |
Most Muslim countries outlaw the practice unless the mother's life is at risk; but Turkey and Tunisia allow abortion on demand during the first ten weeks or three months respectively.
大多数穆斯林国家禁止堕胎,除非母亲的生命受到威胁;但是土耳其允许孕妇在怀胎10周内堕胎,突尼斯的时间限制是怀胎3个月内。 |
Most North Korean imports come across the Chinese border.
因为朝鲜大多数货品从中国边境进口。 |
Most North Koreans seeking to leave North Korea enter northeastern China voluntarily, but some of these individuals, after they enter P.R.C. in a vulnerable, undocumented status, are then sold into prostitution, marriage, or forced labor.
大部分北韩人自愿寻求离开家乡到中国东北地区,但是他们中的一些人在到达中华人民共和国后处在无身份易受攻击的状态下,然后这批人就被卖出以从事强迫性劳动、卖淫或结婚。 |
Most Paris Woman are not only in possession of wonderful shape,but also exquisite face.How beautiful Paris woman!
法国女生很多人的身段就跟这模特一样,仍是有很多女生的脸就象天使爱美里一样纯洁美丽,法国女人真的很美,那种巴黎的美。。。。。。。 |
Most RF energy delivery devices, however, have slow coverage rates, need aggressive cooling, or require a lengthy patient preparation that includes local anesthesia due to significant pain.
然而,大多数射频(RF)能量输送器有下述缺点:覆盖速率缓慢、需要积极冷却、或需要长时间的病人准备,包括剧痛而要局部麻醉。 |
Most RISC processors have faster floating point multiply operations than integer ones.
我见到这样一句话,你的risc处理器是啥?确定没有浮点处理吗? |
Most SNPs lie in the non-coding regions of the genome, so using them to make inferences about genes will in most cases infringe the patents.
大部分SNP都存在于整组遗传基因的非代名层里。因此,利用它们来作遗传基因的推理在多数情况下都会侵犯专利权。 |
Most Sanskrit texts available today were transmitted orally for several centuries before they were written down in medieval India.
很多今天仍在使用的梵语在中印度成书之前的几个世纪以来都在口头流传着。 |
Most Shias and many Kurds do not care a jot about the technical defects of the trial.
大多数什叶派和库尔德人并不在乎法庭审判上那些细枝末节的错误。 |