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Three men were lifted by helicopter from the burning ship.

Three men are under arrest in New York. 三个男子在纽约被逮捕。
Three men armed with firebombs, machetes and an ax attacked Myanmar's embassy in Malaysia Wednesday, hacking one senior official and starting a blaze that destroyed the building, officials and witnesses said. 有关方面和目击者称,3名携带燃烧弹、刀具和斧头的男子当日袭击了缅甸驻马来西亚大使馆,攻击使馆一名高级官员,并纵火焚烧使馆办公楼。
Three men in the southwestern province of Sichuan received suspended jail terms of 8-12 months last year for using pinhole cameras to send out images of the entrance exam papers to be worked out by hired gunsfor 19 students. 去年,四川西南部有三人因为帮助19名学生使用针孔摄像机把考试试卷的图像发送给“枪手”解答,而被判8-12个月的缓刑。
Three men robbed a bank in Yew York last night. 昨晚有三个人抢劫了纽约的一家银行.
Three men walk into the customs hall. 三个人走进海关。
Three men were lifted by helicopter from the burning ship. 直升飞机把三个男人从燃烧著的船上吊起.
Three methods are widely used to separate mixed costs into their fixed and variable elements. 三种方法被广泛使用于分离混合成本成为固定的和可变的元素。
Three methods for synthesis of mandelic acid were introduced in the article,and their advantages and disadvantages were compared.The method of mandelic acid synthesis using hypnone was selected,and flow chart and operation process were studied. 本文对扁桃酸常用的三种合成方法进行了介绍,对其工业化生产的优缺点进行了对比,最终选定了苯乙酮法,并给出了工艺流程图和操作步骤。
Three methods used for improving resistive bridge amplifier are introduced in this paper. 摘要在构成基本型电阻电桥传感放大器的基础上给出了三种改善其性能的方法。
Three military planes have crashed in the past year, and a civilian airliner crashed in September. 过去的一年里有三架军用飞机坠毁,一架民用飞机9月失事。
Three million dollars? I'm a millionaire! 三百万?我是百万富翁!

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