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A 12-gauge shotgun was found at the crime scene.

A 10-year-old orangutan went on a rampage in southern Taiwan after breaking out of its cage at a tourist park. After two hours of destruction, the ape was finally tranquilized. 10的岁猩猩从旅游公园跑出来了,在台湾南部掀起了动乱。2小时后它被药物麻醉了,终于平静了。
A 1000 reward has been offered for the return of the stolen painting. 悬赏1000英镑寻找失窃的画.
A 1000-meter avenue connects the 90,000 m 2 sports theme park and the community, making it a rare natural Oxygen bar in Beijing. 特别是京城罕见的90000平米社区运动主题公园,以千米林荫大道与社区相连,成为社区的天然氧吧。
A 10—50% tariff duty ad valorem and an advance sales tax of 10%, based on 125% of landed cost of imported agricultural machinery and equipment, is imposed. 原译:按进口农机具设备的运费的125%征收10—50%的关税和预付10%的销售税。
A 12-foot pet snake in Idaho swallowed an electric blanket, control box in all. 爱达河州,一条12英寸长的巨莽吞下了一条电热毯,及其遥控器。
A 12-gauge shotgun was found at the crime scene. 在犯罪现场发现了一支十二口径的猎枪。
A 12-hour day was not considered at all unreasonable, and half an hour off for meals was standard. 12小时工作日根本不算过分,半小时吃饭时间也属常规。
A 12-year-old Ohio boy is in trouble with the law. 俄亥俄州的一名12岁男孩因触犯法律受到监禁。
A 12-year-old Ohio boy is in trouble with the law. A police dashboard camera caught the preteen out for a joyride. Despite several collisions, the boy was not injured. 俄亥俄州的一个12岁的男孩遭受起诉。一名警察的仪表盘摄影机捕捉这名不满13岁的孩子在外驾车兜风。尽管有些碰撞,但这男孩没有受伤。
A 12-year-old boy collapsed while riding a roller coaster at a Disney MGM park. 一个12岁的小男孩在MGM迪斯尼公园玩云霄飞车的时候,见了上帝。
A 13-billion year old planet orbiting a pair of long-dead stars in a crowded globular cluster: even for the Hubble Space Telescope, that's amazing! 在一个拥挤的球状星团中,一颗130亿年的古老星球正围绕着一对死寂多时的星星而运行,这事连见多识广的哈勃都惊叹不已!

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