To mostly alleviate the geopolitical pressure of China as an ocean-continental one, we must draw lessons from history and defer to the rules of geopolitics to formulate correct geopolitical strategy.
中国要最大限度地缓解陆海兼备国家带来的地缘政治压力,一定要吸取历史教训,尊重地缘政治规律,制定正确的地缘战略。 |
To mother on Mother's Day: Thank you for all of the wonderful things that you h ave done for me.
母亲节给妈妈:谢谢您为我做了那么多奇妙的事。 |
To motivate students to be more active, more positive and creative in their studies, and to cultivate students with ability to meet the demands of society, constructivism theory has been applied to electrical and electronic engineering teaching practice.
摘要为了更好的调动学生学习的主动性、积极性、创造性,更好的培养学生适应社会的能力,尝试将建构主义学习理论应用到电工电子学的教学当中。 |
To motivate the staff of the department.
调动本部门员工积极性。 |
To motivate, lead, coach and develop the Secco customer service team.
激发、领导、指导和发展赛科客户服务团队。 |
To move a category, click Move Up or Move Down in the category's row.
想移动分区时,在分区行中按下往上移动或往下移动。 |
To move a corps it must have at least one division sized unit in it.
当移动一个军时,它必须编成有至少一个师规模的部队. |
To move a document forward in the read station from one timing mark to the next so that a new line of characters is visible to the scan head.
在阅读机上向前移动文件,从一个时标移到下一个,以使扫描头可读取一个新的字符行。 |
To move a hopper or stacker upward or downward.
上下移动送卡箱或接卡箱。 |
To move a message to a folder:Open the folder containing the message you want to move.Select the check box next to the message you want to move.Click the arrow to the right of the Move to Selected Folder list.In the Move to Selected Folder list,click the
从目录中移动信息:打开你想要移动的信息所在的目录.选择此信息旁的复选框.点击移动所选择的目录条右边的箭头.在移动到所选择的目录时,需点击你想移动的信息所在的目录.并且,你需要先建立这个目录先. |
To move about in astral form, simply - DO IT.
要在星体躯体中四处移动,很简单——就这样去做。 |