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It has good colour retention, excellent resistance to water and alkalinity on the concrete surface. Applied at ambient temperature.

It has germicidal properties that help remove and prevent skin germs that can cause body odor or may infect pimples and scratches. 块&白色皮肤漂白剂杀菌的肥皂帮助漂白皮肤没有漂白当给它毒菌保护为更加清楚,更加健康的皮肤。
It has given me such an abhorrence of annuities, that I am sure I would not pin myself down to the payment of one for all the world. 我对养老金产生如此深的厌恶感,我可以确定我不会把罪归于他给我的报酬.
It has gone out of my mind. 这事我记不起来了。
It has good adhesion to the surface of steel and concrete. 在钢材及混凝土表面都有良好的附着力。
It has good and stable conducting electrostatic property and long time cathodic protection. 本品漆膜具有优异稳定的导静电性能和长时间的阴极保护作用。
It has good colour retention, excellent resistance to water and alkalinity on the concrete surface. Applied at ambient temperature. 具有保色性佳、耐水洗和混凝土表面的碱度等特点,对施工温度没有要求。
It has good compatibility and can be conveniently installed.Suitable for truck scall,track scale,and other special scales for weighing or force meassuring. 安装方便、互换性好。可用于制造各种电子汽车衡、轨道衡、料门秤及各种专用衡器,适用于重量,力值测量的各个领域。
It has good gloss and color retention. 光泽度和保色性良好。
It has good heat-retaining properties. 它有很好的保温性能。
It has good penetration and good water resistance. 具有高度的渗透力及良好的耐水性能。
It has good pulverization effect to any material, esp-ecially suitable for fiberous Chinese herbs or oily materials. 特别适用于粉碎带纤维的中药材、带一定油脂性的物料。

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