Voters in Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia have overwhelmingly voted in favor of independence from Tbilisi.
格鲁吉亚执意分离的南奥塞梯地区选民以压倒多数投票支持从第比利斯独立出来。 |
Voters in these places usually decide Quebec's elections.
而这些地区的选民通常决定了魁北克的选举结果。 |
Voters may be richer, but they also feel cheated and put upon by bossy bureaucrats and snooty politicians.
选民们可能更加富有了,但是他们也感觉被那些专横的官僚和傲慢的政客所欺骗和牺牲。 |
Voters may finally come to realize, and appreciate, that.
投票者最后可能领悟,并且欣赏这一点。 |
Voters might just as easily conclude that Democrats would rather carp than govern.
选民们也会认为民主党只会空谈,而不会做实事。 |
Voters might reasonably have expected a degree of austerity from the conjunction of Republicans in the White House, Senate and House.
选民们希望白宫中,以及上下议院的共和党人都能节俭一些,这是情理之中的事。 |
Voters now favour generic Democratic candidates over Republican ones by wide margins.
如今,选民们对民主党候选人的支持度大幅领先共和党人。 |
Voters said the pair had brightened up a rather mundane campaign compared to the full Legco poll in September.
选民说谢伟俊和白韵琴为沉闷的选战增添不少色彩。今次补选相对九月时的选举较为沉闷。 |
Votes may be given on a poll either personally or by proxy. On a show of hands an Executive Committee Member present only by proxy shall have no vote.
投票表决可由本人投票或其代表代为投票。在进行举手表决时不能由其代表代为举手表决。 |
Voting ballots are unsigned and marked by the boters in private booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is voting.
选票不记名,由选民在隔离的投票站内填写,这样就不会知道选民投了谁的票。 |
Voting ballots are unsigned and marked by the voters in private booths so that no one else can find out for whom a citizen is voting.
选票不记名,由选民在隔离的投票站里圈出被选举人,别人无法知道哪一位公民投了谁的票。 |