Spaces in the temporary directory path may cause WebLogic EJBC utility to produce fatal compile errors.
你先把临时路径里的空格去掉,然后编译,看看还有什么错误,那时再说! |
Spaces or a space, as in printed matter.
字距空隙或空白,如印刷品中 |
Spaceships have enabled space travel.
太空船使太空旅行成为可能。 |
Spacetime inside the event horizon is peculiar in that the singularity is in every observer's future, so all particles within the event horizon move inexorably towards it.
活动视界内的时空是奇异的,在时空内的奇异性是处于每个观察者的将来,这样在活动视界内的的所有粒子是无情地向它移动。 |
Spacious and comfortable cab on high quality rubber damper.
驾驶室宽敞舒适,采用优质橡胶元件减振。 |
Spacious and inspired, this recording has wings.
博大而又灵性,给了这张专辑飞翔的翅膀。 |
Spacious homes that once seemed too small for the children and their friends to play in now mean more drudgery, to dust and maintain.
以前似乎小得容不下儿女及其小伙伴们玩耍的房子,如今显得宽敞了,打扫和清洁房屋是件苦差事。 |
Spacious parking area available. Guests can also take the shuttle bus between Hangzhou Haihua free of charge.
提供广阔的停车场,客人亦可免费搭乘往返于海华大酒店的穿梭巴士。 |
Spadix rachis flat, margin with bract-like appendages; flowers small, monoecious, in 2 series on rachis, apetalous.
肉穗花序轴扁平,边缘有苞片状附属物;花小,单性,雌雄同株,呈2列排列于花序轴上,无花被。 |
Spaghetti and meat sauce is a favourite dish with our employees.
拌肉酱的通心粉是我们伙计们最喜欢的食物。 |
Spaghetti is one of my favorite foods.
义大利式细面条是我喜欢的食品之一。 |