During the activities,Gold Card holders will be offered a 10% discount.The one who spending at least 40 million one-time,will receive a free gift with any of the cup sauce(the sale price of 8 million).
活动期间持金牌卡的顾客一律打9折,一次性消费满40元,可以免费赠送一份带任何酱料的蛋筒(销售价为8元)。 |
During the ad planning process, one uses marketing research to develop a market profile so that proper market segmentation can be done .
在广告计划的过程中,一个人运用市场研究报告去开发市场以致于能够找到准确的细分市场。 |
During the advent of Michael Jackson's arrival, pop music fans began to get excited.
迈克尔·杰克逊到场之后,风行乐迷开始变的疯狂起来。 |
During the aeromagnetic survey conducted in central and western Qinghai-Tibet plateau, the application of hierarchical analytical technique to sieving local anomalies and classifying ore-hunting prospect areas was proved to be fairly effective.
在青藏高原中西部航磁概查研究工作中,用层次分析法筛选局部异常,划分找矿远景区,取得了较好效果。 |
During the afternoon, Winston left the Admiralty building through a side door.
一天下午,温斯顿从侧门离开海军部大楼。 |
During the air force show, one of the pilots was a dan-gerous hot dogging flyer.
(在空军表演时,一位飞行员做惊险的飞行动作。) |
During the analysis, we applied pluralism and subverting tactics to see how the business to deal with risks and struggle to grow up through management strategies.
在分析过程中,我们运用多元及颠覆性策略,藉以探讨创业企业如何经营管理,处理危机,力求成长。 |
During the appreciation that saw the oil price roughly triple between 2004 and 2006, economists waited with bated breath for an oil-induced crash.
在2004年到2006年之间,油价大约涨了三倍,在这期间经济学家们正密切关注着一场可能因为石油价格上升导致的经济危机。 |
During the awarding ceremony, all enlisted items will be appreciated.
在颁奖典礼期间,将对所有提名项目进行赏析。 |
During the banquet,teachers and students toasted each other and expressed wishes of the new year.
席间,老师与同学们举杯相庆,互贺新年。 |
During the birth celebrations, a seer announced that this baby would either become a great king or a great holy man.
在庆祝诞生那一天,一位先知者宣布这个婴孩要么成为一位伟大的国王,要么成为一位伟大的圣人。 |