As far as jurisprudential foundation is concerned, if the mechanism is set up properly and is in accordance with the special properties of prosecutorial power, it will contribute to execution of prosecutorial power.
在法理依据上,构建检察权均衡制约机制方法得当,符合权力均衡的一般法理,并且符合检察权特殊品性,利于其统一行使。 |
As far as morphological strcuture is concerned, feet may be functionally categorized into many types on the basis of arch height.
本研究主要目的在探讨足弓形态与下肢伤害之相关性,以108位大专男性学生为受试者,进行简单之足围测量及下肢各部位疼痛、伤害之问卷调查。 |
As far as oil energy is concerned, we cannot be too frugal.
就石油能源而言,我们愈节省愈好。 |
As far as possible bunads are made of natural materials: linen or cotton for shirts, silk for kerchiefs, vests and bodices, and wool for skirts, jackets, trousers and stockings.
服饰尽可能会由天然材料制成:用亚麻或棉布来制衬衣,用丝绸来制头巾、背心和紧身胸衣,用羊毛来制衬衣、夹克、裤子和长袜。 |
As far as software sales, a recent report came out that showed the DS had more million or more selling titles than the PSP. Is that a concern?
就软件销售来看,最近的报告显示DS比PSP有更多的百万作和热卖作。你们担心吗? |
As far as something is concerned, …
就某事而言,…… |
As far as the Order of Rize is concerned, casting a body off or allowing it to die is a form of an Incomplete Ascensionand is not a valid form of ascension.
目前为止,脱去身体的外衣或允许它死亡,是一种“不完整提升”的形式同时也无效。 |
As far as the T shape area rich in lipid exudation is concerned, even in autumn, a lot of oily skin produces endless lipid.
对于分泌油脂旺盛的T形区,即使到了秋天,很多油性皮肤的“产油量”还是源源不断的。 |
As far as the base price is concerned, we want to do it in US dollars.
关于这个底价,我们要求以美元来支付。 |
As far as the data telegram text receiving and dispatching time determination is concerned, there are multitudinous different viewpoints and legislations, among which, the leavingdispatch standard and the estimatedreceipt regulation have more rationality.
关于数据电文的收发时间的确定存在着众多不同的观点和做法,而以“脱离”发出标准和“推定”到达规则分别确定数据电文的发送与收到时间,则具有一定的合理性。 |
As far as the development of world history is concerned, more than one hundred years ago the great thinker Marx foresaw that the world would developed into a united world, which caused great change of concept of history.
就世界历史的发展而言,伟大的思想家马克思就曾经在一百多年前预见到将来世界会发展成为一个整体世界,从而引起了历史观的伟大变革。 |