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Scratch - A mark that is found on the wafer surface.

Scrape therapy is a natural treatment directed by Chinese medicine theory of bowels and meridians,and widely applies the virtues of no-drug treatments like acupuncture,massage,Chiropractic and cupping.Through the use of edge tools,it can make the points c 刮痧疗法是以中医脏腑、经骆学说为理论指导,众采针炙、按摩、点按、拔罐等中医非药物疗法之所长,用利器利拭体表经脉、穴位,使受到络络穴位处充血,从而改善局部的微循环,起到疏通络络,调和盈血,活血化瘀、强健心肺、祛风散寒、消肿止痛,动员和增强肌体自身潜在的抗病能力和免疫能力,以达到扶正祛邪、保健强身治病的一种自然疗法。
Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in. 进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。
Scraper chain is suitable for transmission equipment for loose material such as cement,flour,corn,sand,stone and coal etc,of which the loose material is powdery,grain and polt. 埋刮板链适用于粉末状、颗粒状及小块状的水泥、面粉、谷物、砂石和煤炭等散状物料的运输设备!
Scraping leaves bright red marks on the patient's skin that will last for several days. 刮痧留在病人皮肤上的红印要过好几天才会消。
Scraping the snow away, they found a car buried under. 他们把雪铲走后,发现下面埋有一辆小汽车。
Scratch - A mark that is found on the wafer surface. 擦伤-晶圆片表面的痕迹。
Scratch the subject of defence and acronym , abbreviation, and buzzwords fly out. 话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞。
Scratch the subject of defence and acronym, abbreviation, and buzzwords fly out. 话题触及国防,缩合字,缩写字和行话就满天飞。
Scratch this kind of secretion from tree, unfreeze it by warm water, refine out wax, melt it again and filtrate and bleach if necessary. 将这种分泌物从树上刮下来后,用热水溶化,撇出蜡,再熔化后并过滤以进行精制,必要时再进行漂白。
Scratches from the claws of the tiger remained on the trunk of the Korean pine in several places at the opening of the den, scratches that had deeply cut into the bark and the wood.A small trampled down area with traces of blood was also present around th 母熊一只前掌掌垫上的皮被撕开,趾头被抓烂,在洞口的几处地方,老虎的抓痕还留在朝鲜松的树干上,很深的切入书皮和木头。
Scratching exacerbates a skin rash. 皮疹搔後会恶化.

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