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But a public sector governance expert, and former Deputy Secretary of the Finance Department has told AM that the Government's current plan won't fix the problem.

But a pretend take-off, an exploration of a fake Martian surface and dealing with fictitious media headlines are on the cards. 但模拟起飞,模拟火星表面的行走和应对虚拟的媒体这样的任务已经确定下来。
But a procedural hitch delayed the deal late last year, and it got caught up in the general paralysis of the presidential-election campaign. 但去年年底一个程序上的意外障碍延迟了交易,于是这一交易就陷入了通常常见的总统选举时的瘫痪状态。
But a proclamation was soon issued, to forbid it upon pain of death. 不过很快就出告示,禁止这种事,违者将被处死。
But a program is not invariably executed sequentially; it may jump around (e.g., the IAS jump instruction). 但是程序不会总是顺序地执行,它可以跳转(如IAS跳转指令)。
But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name was Oded: and he went out before the host that came to Samaria, and said unto them, Behold, because the LORD God of your fathers was wroth with Judah, he hath delivered them into your hand, and ye have slain 9但那里有耶和华的一个先知,名叫俄德,出来迎接往撒马利亚去的军兵,对他们说,因为耶和华你们列祖的神恼怒犹大人,所以将他们交在你们手里,你们竟怒气冲天,大行杀戮。
But a public sector governance expert, and former Deputy Secretary of the Finance Department has told AM that the Government's current plan won't fix the problem. 但是一名公共部门管理专业人士,也是前财政部副部长已经告知AM政府目前的计划将无法解决这个问题。
But a quiet revolution is under way—an idea revolution—led by managers and supervisors who, in a small but growing number of companies, have learned how to listen systematically to their employees. 但在很少数但数目却在不断扩大的一些公司中,这些经理与监理们正在领导一场潜在的变革——创意,他们学习如何系统地聆听雇员们的心声。
But a rally in Malaysian bond prices this week indicates some foreign speculators are returning in the belief the ringgit will soon be repegged. 但本周马来西亚债券价格反弹,表明一些外国投机者正在重返马来西亚,他们相信马来西亚不久就会重新设定林吉特的挂钩汇率。
But a recent breakthrough is the ability to use computers to analyse years' worth of news stories to see how certain headlines affected market movements and use those patterns to program computers to trade on the latest news developments. 但是,人们最近在这方面取得了一个突破性进展,可以利用电脑分析最近几年的新闻价值,看看一些新闻标题是如何影响市场走势的,并利用这些模式为电脑编程,让电脑根据最新新闻进展进行交易。
But a rhetorical perspective is natural and common for political and product advertising and for analyzing politicians' efforts to influence the public by manipulating news coverage; these efforts are obviously and intentionally persuasive. 然而,对于政治与商业广告,对于分析政客通过熟练操纵新闻报道来影响公众所做的努力而言,一个修辞学的分析则可以说是自然而然、司空见惯的了——这些努力是显而易见的,并且也是卓有成效的。
But a rhetorical reading cannot guarantee authority over interpretations. 但是修辞性阅读并不能保证阐释的权威性。

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