There are a few situations where it is useful for a component to perform some operations, usually some kind of initialization or caching, based on the lifecycle of the page.
有一些有用的情形对于组件去执行某些事件。通常是基于页面生命周期的初始化或缓存。 |
There are a few surveys going out to specific memebers in the Bioware community (website related, not employee), discussing possible development on the DS.
这里是一些确定观察到的成员们的团体(关于网站,不是员工),正在讨论在DS上发展的可能性。 |
There are a few unsold goods.
只有几件商品未售出。 |
There are a few weirdos with bizarre practices nobody really is comfortable with.
有少数的怪人带着没人能够欣然接受的怪异的行为习惯。 |
There are a great many compounds in nature .
303自然界中有许多化合物。 |
There are a great many trees and folwers in the botanical garden.
植物公园里有许多树木和花草。 |
There are a host of etiologies for renal vein thrombosis, including trauma, compression by neoplasms, renal vein invasion by renal cell carcinoma, and nephrotic syndrome with membranous glomerulonephritis.
肾静脉血栓形成有很多原因:创伤、受肿瘤压迫、肾细胞癌侵犯肾静脉、膜性肾小球肾炎引起的肾病综合征等。 |
There are a host of things awaiting you in the outside world: fishing, skiing, skeet shooting, triathlons, PTA meetings, and dentist appointments, for example.
在外面的世界里有很多东西等着您:钓鱼,滑雪,打飞碟,铁人三项,睡衣舞会,压抑门诊等等. |
There are a large number of compilers available, including many free ones.
现在有大量的编译器存在,其中有许多是免费的。 |
There are a large number of doors off this main chamber, guarded by still more goblins, which admit one to narrow stone caverns which lead to the vaults far below ground.
主大厅有很多的仍被更多的妖精守卫着的出口,从那里出去后进入狭窄的石廊,通向地下极深处的金库。 |
There are a limited number of Chinese/English dictionaries available for sale in the office at $25 per copy.
远东汉英辞典一本二十五元–有意购买者请到办公室接洽。 |