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After the defeat two generals were publicly disgraced.
那两位将军吃了败仗之後, 在公众心目中威望扫地.

After the death of Sun Yat-sen, the central power structure lost its gravity. 摘要1925年3月,孙中山逝世以后,国民党中央权力结构重心遽失,权力斗争骤然加剧。
After the death of a person, his body is first cloned and then his memory is transferred to the cloned body. 它的基本构思是,在一个人死后,用克隆人技术复制出一个他的肉体,再用记忆移植技术将他的原有记忆转移到这个克隆体的大脑中,就能使他死而复活。
After the death of her father she became the richest woman in the world. 她父亲死后,她成为全世界最有钱的女人。
After the decadence of the last period hairstyles experienced a sort of toning down in the Victorian era. 经历了上一时期的颓废之风后,维多利亚女王时代的发型风格有点趋于平缓。
After the defeat of the Confederacy in 1865, he returned to Mobile to practice law and write about his war experiences. 1865年南方联邦战败后,他回到墨比尔研习法律并著述他的战斗经历。
After the defeat two generals were publicly disgraced. 那两位将军吃了败仗之後, 在公众心目中威望扫地.
After the defection last September of one centre-left senator, he had the same number of elected senators in the upper house as the opposition leader, Silvio Berlusconi. 自从去年九月中左联盟的一位参议员倒戈之后,他与自己的老冤家,(保守派领导人)贝卢斯科尼在上议院拥有的席位就持平了。
After the delivery of the translation, Party B shall be responsible for the follow-up of the quality control thereof and the provision of free consultation to Party A. 交付译稿后,乙方有责任继续跟踪译文的质量,并向甲方免费提供有关咨询。
After the demise of Comrade Deng Xiaoping, we held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and made pioneering efforts to advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century in an all-round way. 邓小平同志逝世后,我们高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,开拓进取,把中国特色社会主义事业全面推向二十一世纪。
After the demise of comrade Deng Xiao Ping, we held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and made pioneering efforts to advance the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the 21st century in an all-round way. 邓小平同志逝世以后,我们高举邓小平同志的伟大旗帜,开拓进取,把中国特色社会主义事业全面推向21世纪。
After the deportation to Babylon: Jeconiah became the father of Shealtiel, and Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel. 迁到巴比伦之后,耶哥尼雅生撒拉铁。撒拉铁生所罗巴伯。

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