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According to the means and the functions of modification, the main methods of surface modification including mechanochemical modification, oxidation modification, surface chemical modification, encapsulation modification, coating modification and depositi

According to the management system of present project construction by the state and work's characteristics itself, Zhongtiaoshan water supply works has accepted the building mode with general contract of design and construction as a main, and established 根据国家现行项目建设管理体制和工程自身特点,中条山供水工程采用了以设计、施工总承包合同方式为主体内容的建设模式,并建立了与上述合同方式相适应的各级组织机构。
According to the mapping principle of stereographic projection, the combinatorial relationships of line and plane can be solved by use of mathematic analysis. 摘要根据赤平投影的成图原理,利用数学解析的方法,可直接求解有关线与面的组合关系。
According to the market demand,it also produces all types of special shaped vehicle and accessories such as scoops,rotating clamps,flat clamps,side-shift,Side-shift,dampers and advancing forks.They are widely used in the factory,Ststion,port as well as in 根据市场需求,还生产铲斗、旋转夹、平夹、侧移叉、倾翻叉、前移叉等数十种属具和变型叉车,产品广泛用于工厂、车站、港口、仓库中的货物搬运、装卸、堆垛等多种作业。
According to the marketing survey, the Japanese anime and manga is playing a leading role in the consuming market of Chinese animation and cartoon. 摘要根据市场调查,日本动漫作品在中国动漫的消费市场居于主流地位。
According to the material supply of Xiaowan Hydroelectric Project, The author presents the three-hierarchy notional model and discusses the mathematical model and algorithm for material stocking and dispatching, which is used in the decision support syste 摘要根据小湾水电工程物资供应管理的实际情况,提出了物资调运的三级节点概念模型,论述了物资采购与调运的数学模型,并给出了具体算法。
According to the means and the functions of modification, the main methods of surface modification including mechanochemical modification, oxidation modification, surface chemical modification, encapsulation modification, coating modification and depositi 本文中综合铝粉改性的手段及改性后铝粉的功能,介绍了铝粉表面改性常用的几种方法,包括机械化学改性、氧化改性、表面化学改性、胶囊改性、包覆改性和沉淀改性等。
According to the measured values of the joint angles and the end-effector positions, Jacobian matrix is calculated, and errors between the desired and the measured positions of the end-effector are exported to the least square method to determine the comp 通过机器人关节角和末端手爪位置的测量数据,计算雅可比矩阵以及手爪位置理论值和实测值的误差,采用最小二乘法对机器人的尺寸参数进行补偿量的计算。
According to the mechanism of block of development in vitro culture on early embryo of mammal and in vivo surroundings of early embryo, the paper states that requirement and utilization of nutrients during each cell stage of early embryo of mammal in vitr 摘要从哺乳动物早期胚胎体外培养发育阻断机理和早期胚胎的体内环境入手,阐述了胚胎体外培养各细胞阶段胚胎对营养物质的需求,寻求合理的体外培养条件和方法,以便提高体外胚胎早期的囊胚发育率。
According to the medieval church, virgins ranked highest in godliness, widow were second and wives a distant third. 根据中世纪教会的看法,处女是最神圣的,第二是寡妇,第三才是妻子。
According to the memo, Hangzhou and Shanghai will start overall cooperation in the construction of important infrastructural facilities, conservation of resources, environmental protection and three other fields. 根据这个备忘录,杭州和上海将在重要基础设施建设、资源节约、环境保护和其它三个方面展开全面合作。
According to the mensuration of the C and N isotopes ratio in the bone unearthed from No. 1 cemetery of Qiongkeke at Nilka County, Xinjiang, the paper points out that meat is the main component in the food structure of the ancient inhabitants in this ceme 摘要本文对新疆尼勒克县穷科克一号墓地出土人骨中C、N同位素的比值进行了测定,结果显示,该墓地古代居民的饮食结构中以肉食类为主,植物类食物中以C3类植物为主。

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