Meanwhile the designer also takes into consideration the line of sight for the owners, the soft and beautiful Shahu lake, bright city neon lights and air garden all form a multi scene, which makes the owner possess the natural charming scenes and prospero
同时设计者为业主悉心考虑景观视线,柔美沙湖、都市霓虹流光与空中花园形成多重景致,令业主同时拥有自然的旖旎风光与城市的繁华热烈。 |
Meanwhile the disciples were urging Him, saying, Rabbi, eat.
约4:31这其间、门徒对耶稣说、拉比、请吃。 |
Meanwhile the floors tie the inner frame to the outer one, bracing the entire edifice.
同时,每层的地板则将内外支架联系在一起,以撑起整栋建筑。 |
Meanwhile the highest ranking Iraqi in the al-Qeada leadership is in custody.
与此同时,一名基地组织最高级别官员被拘捕。 |
Meanwhile the international situation has also four distinctive characteristics, namely (1) there is a heated debate on how to look at and deal with China's rise in the world; (2) natural calamities permeated through the year of 2005; (3) the development
此外,2005年的国际形势还有4大特点:一是一场关于如何看待和应对中国崛起的大辩论正在全球範围内展开;二是自然灾害贯穿全年,可谓“天灾年”;三是发展问题更加突显;四是和平、发展、合作正在成为一股不可抗拒的历史潮流。 |
Meanwhile the lengthy cables used to tether craft to surface ships are simply too weak and unwieldy to support themselves plus a vehicle exploring broad swaths of the seafloor.
此外,用以连结探测器和母船的细长缆绳往往过于脆弱又笨重无比,难以同时承受自己和在广阔海底漫游探勘的探测船的重量。 |
Meanwhile the mail-coach lumbered, jolted, rattled and bumped upon its tedious way, with its three fellow-inscrutable inside.
与此同时邮车正载着三个难测的奥秘轰隆轰隆、颠颠簸簸、叮叮当当地行走在萧索无聊的道路上。 |
Meanwhile the masked men and their leader position themselves for their big reveal.
变相怪杰和他们的首长开始为了他们的大秀摆好了位置。 |
Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away.
其时,时间一分一分地过去。 |
Meanwhile the pions quickly decay into mu mesons, or muons, which penetrate to the ground.
同时,π介子会快速衰变成缈子抵达地面。 |
Meanwhile the real estate private equity market is set for a record fund-raising year for 2005, a separate survey has found.
同时另一项调查发现,2005年将成为房地产私人股本市场创纪录的筹资年。 |