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Al-Drifa’s brother joined the Alliance forces to carry on a heroic and merciless fight against the Dragons.

Al needs to borrow his older sister Betty's car. 艾尔需要向他姐姐贝蒂借车.
Al tires to suck in his stomach when a good-looking woman walks by. 当有漂亮女人从他身边走过时,阿尔就会努力吸紧他的肚子(注:怠指为了掩盖腹部的松软下垂)。
Al-Drifa and his family lived in the heart of the Broariàn forest, but his father had to leave this haven of peace in order to help Men to fortify the city of Graveriad. 艾尔德利法和家人本来居住在伯罗艾里安森林深处,但是他的父亲离开了这个和平的避难所去帮助人类建筑格拉马利亚德城的工工事。
Al-Drifa was over four hundred years old when he left the city for the first time. 艾尔德利法初次离开城市的时候已经400多岁了。
Al-Drifa was thirty-four at the time and he had just made the dream of nearly every inhabitant of Ganareth come true. 那时候艾尔德利法年仅34岁,他刚可以像其他加纳内斯居民一样做着美梦。
Al-Drifa’s brother joined the Alliance forces to carry on a heroic and merciless fight against the Dragons. 艾尔德利法的兄弟参加了联盟军队,开始了反击巨龙的英勇而残酷的战斗。
Al-Hakim said, We are all the sons of Iraq, and we should put our hands together to build this country. We are confident that our pain will end. 哈金说,「我们都是伊拉克子民,应携手建设国家,我们有信心痛苦终将结束。」
Al-Maliki says Democratic Senator Hilary Clinton and Carl Levin need to “come to their senses”. 他说:民主党参议员希拉里.克林顿和卡尔.利文必需恢复理性。
Al-Maliki says Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Carl Levin need to come to their senses. 按奥马里基的说法,民主党参议员希拉里克林顿和卡尔莱温应该恢复理性思考了。
Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden calls on Pakistanis to oust President Musharraf, in a new audio tape. 在一卷新的声音录音带中,伊斯兰盖达组织领袖奥塞玛?宾拉登要求巴基斯坦人逐出穆沙拉夫总统。
Al-Qaida in Iraq claims that four Iraqis, including a husband and wife team, carried out the triple suicide bombings Wednesday in the Jordanian capital, Amman, that killed 57 people. 伊拉克基地组织声称,包括一对夫妻在内的4名伊拉克人星期三在约旦首都安曼制造了3起炸弹爆炸,爆炸使57人丧生。

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