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Freezing Point was a more than 10-year old publication that gained popularity for its bold articles.

Freeze, don’t make him to lose too much blood. 别乱来,不要让他失血太多,
Freeze-banking pieces of ovarian cortex prior to treatment is a new technology for preserving fecundity. 在肿瘤治疗前,将患者卵巢组织冷冻保存,是一项旨在保存女性生育力的新技术。
Freeze-drying process develops as a technique for biological pharmacy and later as a means for the preservation of foods. 摘要冷冻干燥技术最早应用于生物制药和食品加工。
Freezing Arrow is similar to the Sorceress' Glacier Spike. 冻结之箭就像女巫的冰钉。
Freezing Heel on a dark desert highway, 行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上,
Freezing Point was a more than 10-year old publication that gained popularity for its bold articles. 《冰点》有10年以上的历史,以大胆揭露文章赢得大众喜爱。
Freezing Traps will now cancel combat when cast. 当施放冰冻陷阱的时候,你将会脱离战斗。
Freezing Weather Precaution – Subsequent to testing a piping system, valves should be in an open position to allow complete drainage. 结冰气候预防-检测管线系统后,阀门应该处于开启状态,做到排泄完全充分。
Freezing enemy maneuver gave the proxy ground troops the ability to mass. 冻结敌行动,使代理人部队能够集结。
Freezing semen for transport, and then thawing it, is not a satisfactory solution. 先将精子冷冻待运抵后解冻,这不是个好办法。
Freezing, isn't it? 冷极了,不是吗?

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