Calling continuity a new wind blowing in Rotary, Stenhammar announced that in the new year Rotary clubs and districts will carry on with the presidential emphases already in place: literacy and water management.
为呼吁持续,让一股新风气吹入扶轮,施当恒宣称在新年度扶轮社与地区将继续于已有的社长的计划重点:识字与水处理。 |
Calling for accurate fire oftentimes (but not always) requires you to see what you're trying to hit.
要呼叫炮火的精确打击常常(但不总是)要求你能够看到你要打击的目标。 |
Calling himself “…the luckiest man on-the face of thisearth.” New York Life policyholder Lou-Gehrig bids goodbye to baseball_fans at an emotional ceremony.
纽约人寿保单持有人葛雷格在一场感人肺腑的退役仪式中向棒球迷告别,他称自己为「这个地球上最幸运的人」。 |
Calling me, calling me as you fade to black.
呼叫我吧,呼叫我吧,当你感到衰弱黑暗的时候! |
Calling somebody else fat won't make you any skinnier.
说别人胖也不会使自己更苗条。 |
Calling someone stupid doesn't make you any smarter.
骂别人笨也不会使自己更聪明。 |
Calling the case rareand one that had a serious bearing on public health, the court ordered the company to pay 100,000 rupees ($2,200) to a legal aid fund for consumers, and 20,000 rupees ($450) to the complainant, Press Trust of India reported.
法庭认为,这桩案件“罕见”并对消费者的健康造成严重影响,责令百事公司向消费者提供10万卢比(约合2200美元)的法律援助,并向原告支付2万卢比(约合450美元)的经济赔偿。 |
Calling them “on the whole, the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals,” he inserted cetaceans arbitrarily among the other orders.
他认为鲸豚「整体而言,是最奇异、最歧出的哺乳类」,并为牠们单独设立了「鲸目」,与其他目并列于哺乳纲中,不特别交代牠们的来历。 |
Calling upon the malefic pit lords and their barbarous leader, Mannoroth the Destructor, Archimonde hoped to establish a fighting elite that would scour creation of all life.
他控制着残暴的深渊领主和他们野蛮残暴的领导者——玛诺洛斯,致力于建立一支可以毁灭一切生命的精英部队。 |
Calls and scents draw males and females to each other.
雄性和雌性用呼叫和气味方式吸引对方。 |
Calls from my home and abroad are welcome from ordering!
欢迎国内外客商来电来函订购! |