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An equally plausible explanation is that the war is the product of a mistake.

An episodic look at a young man's life in Mexico's national highway patrol. 关于一个年轻的墨西哥的国道巡逻员的故事。
An episodic novel. 结构松散的小说
An equal and opposite force exerted by a body against a force acting upon it. 反作用力物体对于加在其上的力作出的大小相同,方向相反的力量
An equal has no dominion over another equal. 平等者之间无支配权可言.
An equal opportunity is an equal right for people striving for and acquiring some resources opportunity with certain standards when participating in societal politics and economic activity. 摘要平等机会就是人们参与社会政治、经济等活动,根据一定的标准和原则,平等地拥有争取或获得某种资源的可能性。
An equally plausible explanation is that the war is the product of a mistake. 一个同样可能的解释就是,这完全是一个巧合。
An equation or inequality relating the variables in an optimization problem. 在优化问题中,一种表示若干变量相互关系的方程(式)或不等式。
An equilateral triangle cannot be dissected into finitely many incongruent equilateral triangles. 等边三角形不能分成有限多个不全等的等边三角形。
An equilibrium in dominant strategies is a special case of a Nash equilibrium; a dominant strategy is optimal no matter what the other players do. 优势策略均衡是纳什均衡中一个特殊的例子;无论其他参赛者做什么,优势战略就是最佳的。
An equipment for vacuum wafer bonding was developed based on the wafer bonding technology. 摘要基于圆片键合技术,设计了一种在真空条件下进行圆片键合的工艺设备。
An equipment of measuring aerodynamic force was designed and developed, and several bionic wings were tested on it. 研制了气动力测量实验平台,对各种翅型进行了实验研究。

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