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But I won't mix in politics.

But I will turn again the captivity of Moab In the last days, declares Jehovah. Thus far is the judgment of Moab. 47耶和华说,但到末后的日子,我要使被掳的摩押人归回。摩押受审判的话到此为止。
But I will venture to assert, that a great and lasting war can never be supported on this principle alone. 但是我敢断言,一场伟大持久的战争决不能仅仅靠这个原则来支撑。
But I with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. 可是我步履沉重,神情哀伤,在船长躺卧的甲板上徘徊。他已倒下死去,全身冰凉。
But I won't be able to do that if I think this is a one-shot deal. 但如果我认为这只是一次性买卖,我没办法那样做。
But I won't lose no sleep on that, 但是我将不会迷失 不会在那麻木。
But I won't mix in politics. 如果你要做的是为了平安,那平安能减少战争。
But I wonder why I will be online? 可我为什么要上网?
But I would also like to give some advice to young schoolmates. 但是我很愿意给同学们一点忠告。
But I would have fared no better than them. 但我可能跟他们一样糟糕。
But I would have thought that what you have heard when the dementors draw near you would have had more of an effect on you. 但是我原以为摄魂怪走进你时,你听到的内容会对你产生更大影响的。
But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too, by using this moment as a pinnacle from which I might be listened to by the young men and women already dedicated to the same anguish and travail, among whom is already that one who will some day stand 而我愿意与你们分享,让这个时刻成为我的小小巅峰,接受各位已经致力于同样苦难事业的年轻人们的倾听,终有一天你们中有人会站在我今天站的这个地方。

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