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Look at McLaren, both cars wiped out in the first two corners.

Look around wherever you happen to be and seek out local information. 不管在什么地方,您都可以四处观看,了解当地的情形。
Look as she might, she could not tease out any clear distinctions. 尽管她下了许多工夫,却依然找不到任何明确的性别差异。
Look at Dallas, Phoenix, the Lakers &even the Heat. 看看小牛,太阳,湖人甚至热火,哪个队有统治力的中锋。
Look at Exercise 17 in your book. 看你课本上的练习题十七。
Look at Jim next door. He's really worked up about the threat to the environment so he's fitted solar panels to his roof to save energy. Did it by himself. 你看隔壁的吉姆。他真得很对环境的威胁很火大,他自己动手在屋顶安装了太阳能板以节省能源。
Look at McLaren, both cars wiped out in the first two corners. 看看迈凯轮,两辆赛车在前两个弯道就出局了。
Look at Picture 1, and guess what ( has ) happened? 看图一,猜一猜发生了什么事?
Look at a typical illegal CD plant based in Malaysia. 看看在马来西亚的某间典型的违法CD制造厂。
Look at all of the clothes in this shop! The designers really let their imaginations run wild. 译文:看看这个店里所有的服饰吧!这位设计者真的是尽情发挥了他的想象力。
Look at all the monkey businesses going around us. It is so hard to trust people nowadays! 看看我们这些周遭的诈骗行为猖獗,现今真的很难让我们相信别人。
Look at all the reachable or walkable squares adjacent to the starting point, ignoring squares with walls, water, or other illegal terrain. 观察开始点邻近的所有可到达或可行走的方块,忽略有墙,水或其他非法地形的方块。

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