Dive angle (pitch-down angle) high (low). Apply a little back stick.
俯冲角(俯角)大(小)了,带点杆。 |
Dive into a crowd.
冲入人群并消失 |
Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference.
矛盾,不相符不符合或不一致,如在事实和宣称之间;差异 |
Divergent evolution The evolution of different forms from a single basic structure in response to different selection pressures.
趋异进化:来源于共同祖先的一个种或一个植物类群,由于长期生活在不同的环境,产生了向不同方向发展的变异特征。 |
Divergent results from replicate data entries may signify a program bug.
如果重复的数据输入产生不同的结果,就表明有程序错误。 |
Divergent views on laws between Chinese and western people illustrate their discrepancies in terms of legal history and administrative cultures.
当前我们全盘移植西方法律体系,然而在实证经验上仍有扞格不入之处。 |
Divers find two more bodies where a highway bridge collapsed in Minneapolis, bringing the death toll to seven with six still missing.
密西西比高速公路桥跨塌事件中又有两具遗体被潜水员发现,这使得遇难者数目增至七人,仍有六人失踪。 |
Divers have been attacked, but not nearly with the same frequency as, for example, swimmers and surfers.
潜水者与例如游泳者、冲浪运动员相比,被鲨鱼袭击的频率远非一样。 |
Divers have discovered a new crustacean in the South Pacific that resembles a lobster and is covered with what looks like silky, blonde fur, French researchers said Tuesday.
法国研究人员3月7日表示,潜水者在南太平洋水域发现了一种新的甲壳类动物。这种动物的样子和龙虾很相似,全身覆盖着如丝绸般的白毛。 |
Divers in the state now harvest 800,000 pounds of Uni annually, the Sea Urchin Commission said, adding that it expects growing consumer demand for Uni in the United States.
按照该海胆协会的说法,加州潜水员们现在每年下海捕捞的海胆数量已经达到80万磅,而且他们预计全美国对于海胆的需求量仍会继续增涨。随着海胆数量被大量消耗,海藻资源将会得到一定程度的保护。 |
Divers persons were present, of all stations in life.
不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。 |