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A few seconds later she found herself 3)sliding through the 4)woods near her house, still in the tub and still 5)unhurt.

A few players jumped in to try to be the distributor/indexer of that data (the next best thing if you can't own the data), but so far, no one is winning, really, not even some of the federal governments. 有一部分竞技者曾经试图想成为数据的发行人或为数据编写索引(如果你不能拥有数据,那么这就是退而求其次的最好的选择了),但迄今为止,没有人能够获胜,包括一些联邦政府。
A few prefer to do the job themselves: HSBC has a service called Easy-Send, popular with Mexicans, which allows clients to wire money abroad. 很多银行选择参与到这个生意中,汇丰银行有一种服务叫做简单寄,在墨西哥人中很流行,它允许客户将钱汇往国外。
A few researchers are examining novel technologies, such as actuators that would pull on tendonlike beams to counteract ground motion or electrorheological fluids in a foundation that would turn from liquid to gel to filter out shock waves. 有些研究人员正在检验这些新颖的科技,例如致动器会在肌腱般的梁柱上施加拉力,以抵消地表的运动;灌入地基的电流变液,在地震时会从液体转变为胶体而滤除震波。
A few scarecrows were set up in the fields. 田里竖起了几个稻草人。
A few scientists have lately asked a curious question: If extraterrestrial intelligence is abundant, why have we not already seen its manifestations? 很少的科学家事后已经问了一系列的问题:地球外的智慧生命是不是大量的,为什么我们迄今还没有看到他们存在的迹象?
A few seconds later she found herself 3)sliding through the 4)woods near her house, still in the tub and still 5)unhurt. 几秒钟后,她发现自己滑行着穿过自宅附近的树林,人还在浴缸里,而且毫发未损。
A few seconds of fiddling let scientists and engineers multiply, divide and find square and cube roots. 只要拨弄几秒钟,科学家或工程师就能计算乘除、求出平方根与立方根。
A few showed active response to vaccination as 18 days of age. 一些实验表明最早在18日龄免疫是有效的。
A few side effect may introduce to affect the compatability of a few games. 这句是说有些副作用也许会影响到一些游戏的兼容性.
A few soapbox orators are tuning up near the bandstand. 有几个街头演说者在室外音乐台边上试讲。
A few soldiers survived in this battle. 在这场战役中只有少数士兵幸存下来.

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