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The bear has been euthanized.

The bean-sprout is noodles made of rice bean, which rooted from FuJian Province's Chuanchou, where the ex-owner immigrated from, and now it's run by his son. 「豆签」是以米豆制成的面条,是福建泉州的小吃,先前的老板就是从泉州来台的,现在由儿子经营。
The beans cropped well this year. 今年豆子丰收.
The beans must still undergo about a full day of stirring before that familiar coffee aroma. 咖啡豆还要经过大约一天的翻炒,才能散发出我们熟悉的气味。
The bear bred two cubs. 这只熊生了两只小熊。
The bear came up and sniffed all around her. 这只熊就上前,并用鼻子嗅它的全身。
The bear has been euthanized. 那只熊现在已被施行安乐死。
The bear has no choice except to lie down and sleep. 熊没有别的选择,只好躺下睡觉。
The bear is chafing against the bars. 那只熊在铁栅上摩擦身体。
The bear showed up earlier in the evening as barbequed ribs were being prepared and came back later, apparently looking for leftovers. 前半夜,当正在准备烤肋骨的时候,那只熊出现了,且稍后又来寻找吃剩的食物。
The bear trotted quickly away and was soon hidden by the trees. 熊快速地离开了,不一会儿,就消失在树林里。
The bear was a fully grown adult . 那支熊已完全发育成熟.

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