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LIBRA: keeps saying don't I look adorable in this apron?

LIBRA &LEO: This is a good union, similar lifestyles, both hooked on[3] sex. 这是一对好搭档,有着相似的生活方式,同样对性着迷。
LIBRA &SAGITTARIUS: This is an auspicious relationship. The Archer's charisma and thirst for adventure will hold your interest. Your good looks and cultural knowledge will entice the Archer. 你们是幸运的一对。射手们对于冒险的渴望和非凡的能力总能吸引你。你高雅的外型和丰富的知识也很让他们着迷。
LIBRA &TAURUS: Not too bad as you both value the finer things in life. 关系不错,因为你们都很重视生活中美好的事物。
LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) The partnership-pursuing Scales will seek out mental sports played in pairs or activities that put their balance to the test; for example, gymnastics, figure skating, handball or skateboarding. 崇尚团队合作的天秤喜欢体操、花样滑冰、手球、滑板等考验平衡性的运动或双人运动。
LIBRA: Chooses two boxes of chocolates, white and dark; one for you, one for them. 天秤座会买两盒巧克力,一盒白巧克力,一盒纯巧克力;一盒给你,一盒留给自己。
LIBRA: keeps saying don't I look adorable in this apron? 天秤座不停地嘟哝着“穿上这条围裙的我看上去是不是很可爱?”
LIBRARIAN: Hi! Can I help you? 有什麽需要帮忙吗?
LIBRARIAN: Let me show you. Follow me, please. 让我来操作给你看。请跟我来。
LIBRARIAN: Students can watch Family albumvideo tapes at the conference room. Please check at the counter for details. 学生可在会议室观看欢乐家庭录影带,详情请洽柜台。
LIBRARIAN: Sure! It's a place to learn English. 好!这是个可以学习英语的好地方。
LIBRARIAN: We have only two – Students Post and Bilingual Weekly. 只有两种-学生邮报及双语周报。

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