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[English] The multi-fishing collar is one kind of combinatorial tool for fishing of various sizes of sucker rod coupling,bar and well logging instrument in the interior of the casin tube.It is easy to operate,conveience and muilti-purpose,high efficiency

[English] Can not write to the cache file. 无法写入缓存文件。
[English] Cannot connect to the database. Please check your database information or check your database status. 无法连接数据库。请确认您的数据库信息正确无误,且数据库系统正在运行。
[English] Connection and sealing device for new and old casings used when repairing the broken and damaged casing in well with large area, long length, as well as repairing the wrongly cut casing in well —— packer-type casing patch-connector. 修复面积大,长度长,破裂,损坏的井内套管,修复错断的井内套管时所用的新旧套管的连接密封装置—封隔器型套管补接器。
[English] Fishing magnet type CL is a very effective tool that fishes small piece magnetic fishing substances, and it is characterized by small volume, light weight, and no demagnetization by long-term use under condition of normal use and maintenance. CL强磁打捞器是打捞小件铁磁性落物极有较工具,具有体积小、重量轻、在正常使用和保养条件下长期使用不退磁的特点。
[English] Is noe kind of non-reclaimable fishing tool which is normally used for the fishing purpose from the outside of the pipe string,iscan be used to fish flat-type fsh head of the pipe string.It is characterized for directly fishing purpose without s 弯鱼头打捞筒是从管柱外部进行打捞的一种,不可退式工具可打捞弯扁形鱼头的落井管柱,其特点是在不用修整鱼顶的情况下直接进行打捞。
[English] The multi-fishing collar is one kind of combinatorial tool for fishing of various sizes of sucker rod coupling,bar and well logging instrument in the interior of the casin tube.It is easy to operate,conveience and muilti-purpose,high efficiency 多用打捞筒是一种在套管内打捞各种尺寸的抽油杆、接箍及加重杆和测井仪的组合式打捞工具,该工具结构简单操作维修方便,是一种用途多、高效率的打捞抽油相工具。
[English]:A money lender servesyou in the present tense, lends you in the conditional mood, keeps youin the subjunctive, and ruins you in the future. 放债的人为你服务时用现在时态,借钱给你时用条件语气,使你常处于虚拟语气之中,并于将来时态中毁掉你.
[F] Firm the confidence in leaving bitterness. Let us enjoy our life. (女声独唱)坚定信心,出离苦难,让生命真快乐。
[F] So, if the provinces want to run the health-care show, they should prove they can run it, starting with an interprovincial health list that would end duplication, save administrative costs, prevent one province from being played off against another, a 所以如果某些省想操控医疗福利事业,他们就必须证明自己有这种能力,他们必须开一张省际单子来终止重复,他们还必须节约管理费用,防止一个省和另一个省之间的争斗,而且还要尽量争取更好的药价。
[Finally, thanks for you time to answer my question! 最后一句是:最后,我还是要谢谢我们在要求的时间!
[Finally, thanks for your time to answer my question! 意思大概是:最后,谢谢你们(花时间)回答我的问题!

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