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Use the built-in cable channels to secure both your oscilloscope and extension module to your location.

Use the automerge algorithm I mentioned in chapter 3. 使用我在第3章提到过的自动合并的原则。
Use the axe to chop down jammed doors or zombies; it's effective for close combat. 用斧子去劈开夹住的门或僵尸;它在近身战中十分有效。
Use the blank line below the title bar as extra editing space. 取消标题栏以增加编辑空间一行.
Use the body's own immune system by inserting genes into cancer cells that then trigger the body to attack the cancer cells as foreign invaders. 透过把基因插入然后引发身体攻击癌细胞作为外国入侵者的癌细胞中使用身体的自己的免疫的系统。
Use the book to pass TOEFL test with flying colors. 好好利用这本书会让你托福考试顺利过关!
Use the built-in cable channels to secure both your oscilloscope and extension module to your location. 使用内置电缆通道来固定示波器和扩展模块到您的位置上。
Use the cable clamp that is provided or use electrical conduit to protect the power cable from the sharp edge of the conduit knockout. 使用(由本公司)所提供的电缆夹或导管保护电力电缆在导管尖处不受损。
Use the candle to enter the basement. 使用蜡烛进入地下室。
Use the class web site. 使用班级网站。
Use the collective to make the loop as round as possible. 控制主旋翼的螺距,尽可能使飞行轨迹成为圆形的环状。
Use the competitive forces and value chain models to analyze wine retailing as an Internet business model. 利用竞争力和价值链模型来分析酒的网上零售业务模式。

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