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The best chance for adults to guide infants to read is in their daily life, for the characteristics of their random reading and writing in their daily life are accordance with those of nonage reading.

The best bet is to bet on yourself. 最好的赌就是和自己打赌。
The best bet is, first, for countries both onshore and offshore to exchange tax information and target cheats—individuals and corrupt companies seeking obscurity offshore—that harm the financial system. 最佳方案首先是,无论在岸还是离岸国家,都进行税收情报的交换,并对那些有害于金融体系,在离岸寻求藏污纳垢之处的逃漏税个人和不端公司紧盯不懈。
The best blood will at some time get into a fool or mosquito. 最好的血液有时也会进入傻子或蚊子的身体。
The best car in the world is Enzo Ferrari 1. 世界上最好的车是法拉利!
The best chance came up when Zidane took a free kick (15’) that the Italian keeper cleared after jumping from one post to the other. 最好的机会出现在第15分钟,秃秃的直接任意球被被布冯从门柱的这头跳到那头然后挡掉了。
The best chance for adults to guide infants to read is in their daily life, for the characteristics of their random reading and writing in their daily life are accordance with those of nonage reading. 摘要幼儿在日常活动中出现的随机读写行爲符合早期阅读的特徵,日常生活是对幼儿进行早期阅读指导的最好时机。
The best chance to spot chthonians will come from the first space probes sensitive enough to see Earth-size planets: the French satellite COROT, scheduled for launch in 2006, and NASA's Kepler, around 2007. 观测地狱行星的最佳机会,将会落在2006年发射升空的法国卫星柯洛,以及美国航太总署于2007年发射的克卜勒卫星身上;它们是灵敏度极高、可看见地球般大小行星的太空探测船。
The best clinical skills to identify the underlying etiological lesion (usually soft tissue lesion) are based on adequate knowledge in anatomy, kinesiology, and pathophysiology. 指认出隐含之病因性损伤(通常是软组织的损伤)的最佳临床技巧,是基于解剖学、肌动学、病理生理学上的充分知识。
The best combination for readability is black text on white background, but there are other excellent combinations also. 最佳的配色方案是黑字白底,但是,也有很多其它较好的颜色组合方案。
The best comment on the educational system is this illiterate message recently scrawled on a wall: I were a teenage dropout and now I are a teenage millionaire. 对现今教育制度的最好评价就是最近一句在墙上的涂鸦:“过去我是一名辍学青年,现在我是一个年青百万富翁。”
The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. 最好的朋友就是比我们更睿智、更出色的人,我们可以被他们的智慧和美德所激励,从而使我们的行为更加高尚。

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