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The public was outraged when the hardened criminal was released from prison.

The public service medical scheme for government employees and labor insurance for enterprise workers are facing a great challenge of cost containment through a series of reforms in the mechanisms of fund collection and management. 在面对资金汇集和管理机制费用遏制的巨大挑战,公共业务医疗计划为政府职工和企业工作者的劳动保险通过一系列的改革,。
The public should be educated in how to use energy more effectively. 公众应受到合理地利用能源的教育.
The public spirit is the overwhelming, factor that determines the spirit of public service. 摘要公共精神是决定公务员精神的重要因素。
The public utility has character of monopoly, in which the behaviors of group could be explained by game theory. 摘要我国基础产业具有明显寡头垄断的行业特点,这些产业中的集团企业在投资决策中的一些行为可以博弈论的观点进行合理解释。
The public was astonished when Rolls Royce computed their debts at several hundred million pounds. 当罗尔斯·罗伊斯计算出他们的债务是几亿英镑时,公众都十分吃惊。
The public was outraged when the hardened criminal was released from prison. 那个屡教不改的惯犯从监狱里释放时,公众感到愤慨。
The public was provoked to anger. 公众被激怒了。
The public welfare lawsuit is not suitably discussed from the judicial organ aspect, Considering from the start aspect, it should meet three requirements: By unofficial individual, the legal person or other organizations will mention (mainly will be from 公益诉讼不宜从司法机关方面讨论,从启动者方面考虑应具备三个条件:由非官方的个人、法人或其他组织提起(今后主要是社团组织),出于公益目的,向司法机关(包括检察机关和审判机关)寻求司法救济。
The public's low opinion of Washington and growing concern about the direction of the country point to 2008 being a changeelection, one like the campaigns of 1976 and 1992 when people looked for a marked departure from the status quo. 公众的鄙视与华府日益关注的方向国点至2008年作为变选举一位喜欢运动,1976年和1992年,当人们看到明显偏离现状.
The publication also offers a highly inspired and informative insight into current trends. 这本书的出版使它的内容成为当前的趋势。
The publication consists of a variety of columns ,including “Editorial” “Original articles”, “praclical medical research”, “Experimental research”, “Findings report”, “Abstracts of original articles”, “Clinical experiences”, “Case repots”, “Review”, and “ 设有述评、论著、基础研究、实验研究、调查报告、论著摘要、临床经验、病例报告、综述、国际医学交流栏目。

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