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Experts have reached the conclusion that the painting was a fake.

Experts from the Zoo began their investigation. (来自)动物园的专家们开始了他们的调查。
Experts from the atmospheric composition observation and service centre of CMA say, according to the acid rain observation network, the frequency of acid rain of 19 provinces in China is 100% in this year's rainy season; the rain in late August in Beijing 中国气象局大气成分观测与服务中心的专家介绍,酸雨观测网显示,今年雨季,全国有19个省市酸雨频率为100%,北京地区8月中下旬的降水过程均为酸性降水,强酸性降水比例很高,而这是自1993年以来观测中没有过的,同时,7月的频繁降雨中,监测到5次降雨达到强酸性。
Experts generally recommend that babies receive only breast milk for the first 6 months of life. 专家一般建议婴儿在出生后六个月只吃母乳。
Experts have been left in awe of the intricacy of the latest sighting, which is 360-feet in diameter, on a wheat field in Oxfordshire. 在牛津郡一块麦田里,最新看到的麦田怪圈直径360英尺,其复杂性令专家们深感敬畏。
Experts have long thought that grass evolved alongside mammalian grazers such as horses, camels and rhinos. 长时间以来,专家都认为青草是伴随着哺乳类草食动物如马、骆驼和犀牛演进的。
Experts have reached the conclusion that the painting was a fake. 专家们达成结论说:那幅画是广赝品。
Experts have said the gender imbalance resulting from sex-selective abortions and other practices could have dangerous social consequences due to anticipated shortages of marriageable young women. 据专家分析,由选择性堕胎等行为造成的男女比例失调将会导致达到适婚年龄的年轻女性紧缺,而这会对社会产生严重危害。
Experts have said the necropolis was destined for high-ranking personalities — such as warriors and ancient priests. 有关专家还表示,这个墓地埋葬的都是一些地位较高的人物——如战士和古代的牧师等。
Experts have speculated that North Korea might use a major anniversary to conduct a nuclear-related test, but one analyst said an open test, as opposed to one below ground, would be hard in such a small country. 专家提出了朝鲜在国庆节进行核试验的可能性,但是分析家认为,朝鲜搞地下核试验更现实一些。
Experts hold different views on the discipline identity of foreign language teaching. 摘要学者们关于外语教学的学科归属有不同的观点。
Experts in increasing numbers are beginning to believe that such a situation would produce unfavorable effects on economic growth of local areas. 越来越多的专家开始相信这种状况将对当地的经济发展产生不利影响。

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