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A few weeks before the dives commenced in the summer of 2001, the robots' lithium sulfur dioxode-based batteries caught fire while being tested in a pressure tank, destroying what was to have been a third robot.

A few violations have been caught after the fact. 有几个违法案件是事后查获的。
A few wavering Republicans may be convinced by the tough talk. 一些左右摇摆的共和党人可以通过苦口婆心的劝告改变立场。
A few weeks after my trip to Tombstone I moved out of the apartment so I'm not really sure what happened to the ghost. 几周后我就搬出了那个公寓,所以不知道那个鬼魂究竟怎么样了。
A few weeks ago I heard the news of villages completely wiped out and washed into the sea in Papua New Guinea. 这些事仅仅发生在几个星期以前,而天使告诉我这些事将会在全亚洲发生。
A few weeks ago, XM's mother asked if we could help her buy a copy of TV lecturer Yu Dan's Insights on “The Analects”, since she had heard it was a popular new explanation of the Chinese classic. 几周前,XM的妈妈问我们可不可以帮她买一本近来活跃于银屏的演讲者于丹的《于丹〈论语〉心得》,因为她听说这本书通俗又新颖地阐述了中国经典古籍。
A few weeks before the dives commenced in the summer of 2001, the robots' lithium sulfur dioxode-based batteries caught fire while being tested in a pressure tank, destroying what was to have been a third robot. 2001年夏天,在潜水开始进行之前的几星期,当机器人在压力箱进行测试的时候,内部的锂╱二氧化硫电池不幸著火,摧毁了尚未成形的第三台机器人。
A few weeks later on the Saturday he threw all Stoutamire's dirty horse blankets into the back of his pickup and took them down to the Quik Stop Car Wash to turn the high-pressure spray on them. 几个星期后的一个周六,他把斯图特埃米尔家那些脏毯子扔上卡车,拉到洗车处,用高压水枪冲洗。
A few weeks later things started to go wrong. 几个星期后,事情就开始出问题了.
A few weeks later, Hood resigned his command. 几个星期之后,虎德辞去了指挥官的职务。
A few weeks later, Larry bought 42 one-meter diameter weather balloons. 几个星期后,拉里买了42个直径为1米的气象探测气球。
A few weeks later, on September 1, Harry boarded the Hogwarts Express and was taken to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. 几周之后的9月1日,哈利登上了霍格沃兹特快列车,来到了霍格沃兹魔法学校。

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