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Yesterday, we did not go to the zoo because of the bad weather.

Yesterday, the Shanghai Composite Index added 1.5% to end at 4820.06, a record. 上证综合指数周一再创新高,收涨1.5%至4820.06点。
Yesterday, the microchip was a tool. Today, it is a partner and who knows what role it will play in our lives in the years to come? 昨天,微处理器是一种工具。今天,它是伙伴。谁知道未来它会在我们的生活中扮演什么角色?
Yesterday, the reporter was told, not too long ago, when Anita Mui, the chair woman of Association of Hong Kong Artists, was on her business tour in China on behalf of the Association, she appointedChing Hai Lu to be the first member from China to join th 昨日记者从其好友处获悉,前不久香港演艺人协会会长梅艳芳一行来内地考察时,“钦点”她成为香港演艺人协会吸纳的首位内地会员。
Yesterday, the senator suggested that people who don't do well in school end up stuck in Iraq. 昨天,该参议员提出让那些在学校表现不佳的人去伊拉克结束学业。
Yesterday, two forums were conducted: the District Governors Forum and the District Governors Nominee Forum. 昨天,则举办了两个论坛:地区总监论坛和总监提名人论坛。
Yesterday, we did not go to the zoo because of the bad weather. 昨天我们因为恶劣的天气而没能去动物园。
Yesterday, we had a spirited discussion regarding the future of the reform. 昨天,我们就改革的前途进行了一番热烈的讨论。
Yesterday, we participated in a presentation session involving the Principal, Vice-Principal, each Faculty Dean, and Department Head to discuss in detail the arrangement, and we hope to share our feelings a bit here. 昨天,我们参加了大学的部门主管简报会,当中校长、副校长、各院长、系主任和行政部门主管就新安排亦作了深入的讨论,我们希望分享一下感受。
Yesterday, we went to the department store and nowhere else. 昨天我们到百货公司去了,其他什么地方也没去。
Yesterday, you have posted the information to this customer by express delivery. Please email this customer to confirm this and the time and plan of the next commuication. 你昨天已经通过快递方式把资料邮寄给客户,先发邮件请客户确认并希望约定下一次沟通的时间和计划。
Yesterday,I interviewed a head of electricity department. 昨天,我采访了一个电力部门的领导。

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