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A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. (An incorporeal creature's 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply to attacks with ghost touch weapons.

A figure of £18.6million has been banded around but that is the maximum we'll have to pay for Michael. “1860万英镑是根据他的表现波动的,并且这是我们会为卡里克付的最多钱。
A filmed bloodletting like no other on record, essentially a terribly graphic two-hour torture sequence. 一部异于以往记载的其它血腥电影,其本质上不过是一场持续两个小时的恐怖刑罚折磨画面连放。
A fish story that hooks you from the opening scene. 一个开场就能把你钓上钩的鱼故事.
A garden locked is my sister, my bride, A rock garden locked, a spring sealed up. 歌4:12我妹子、我新妇、乃是关锁的园、禁闭的井、封闭的泉源。
A generally aloof creator race, the titans are now a subject of significant interest on Azeroth, at least for the dwarves. 作为一种通常趋于避世的造物者种族,泰坦现在是艾泽拉斯世界最有意义和最感兴趣的话题之一,至少对矮人来说是如此。
A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus. (An incorporeal creature's 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply to attacks with ghost touch weapons. 鬼触(畜)!不是……幽冥:幽冥武器正常命中与伤害虚体生物(康仔:类似鬼魂啊,缚灵啊之类的。)一般情况下即使是魔法武器也有50%几率无法打中虚体生物,但幽冥武器无视此规则。
A ghost touch weapon deals damage normally against incorporeal creatures, regardless of its bonus.(An incorporeal creature's 50% chance to avoid damage does not apply to attacks with ghost touch weapons. 幽冥之触:当攻击虚体生物时幽冥武器可以直接造成伤害(虚体生物原有50%几率可避开伤害,但对此种武器无效)。
A good evening to you, venerable Father Wilson! Come up hither, I pray you, and pass a pleasant hour with me! “晚上好,可敬的威尔逊神父!我请求你到这里来,陪我过上一小时欢乐的时光吧!”
A good man's prayers are golden recompense! “一个好人的祈祷如同用黄金作酬谢!”
A good writer can earn good money,' the man replied in all seriousness. Above all if he works for the government. “优秀的作家能挣大钱。”那人正色道。“前提是他为政府工作。”
A good, though not great, contribution to the genre. 对西部片的一次良好的,但算不上杰出的贡献.

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