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Had the colt had a coat, the colt could not have caught cold.

Had such calamities occurred in old China, the damage would have been incalculable. 这样的灾害要是发生在旧中国,损失是无法估计的。
Had the Americans hanged him themselves, the condemned man might have been treated with a modicum of dignity. 假如是美国人亲手绞死萨达姆,这个罪人或许能死得稍微有尊严一点。
Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have lat her hair hang out the widow some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. 如果希巴女皇住在气窗对面的公寓,德拉总会有一天把头发悬在窗外去晾干,只是为了使那位皇后的珠宝和首饰相形见绌。
Had the U.S. defeated the underdog Greeks in the semifinals, it wouldn't be preparing to play 10 games in 12 days beginning Aug. 22. 如果当时美国队击败本该击败的希腊,闯过半决赛,他们就无需在今年8月22开始的12天里参加10场比赛以争取奥运会入场券。
Had the bridges across the Tiber been destroyed, as the head of the defense force, de Ceri, had advised, we might have trapped them in the Trastevere and held them off for long enough to regroup into some kind of fighting force. 我们要是听从防卫军首领切里的建议,拆毁横跨台伯河的桥梁,或许能在特拉斯维莱区困住敌军,争取时间重新组织战斗力量。
Had the colt had a coat, the colt could not have caught cold. 如果小马有外套,小马就不会感冒。
Had the game gone too far? Was it a game any longer? In those prewar days, I stood to lose a great deal, for the sake of a hobby. 游戏太过火了?它还是游戏吗?在战前的那段日子,为了这个嗜好我固执地失去了很多东西。
Had the revolution turned her into a fanatic who sublimated her sexual instincts to the demands of politics? 革命是否使她变成了一个狂热分子,把性的本能升华为政治的要求?
Had they decided to keep Darko Milicic (with a three-year deal) and pursue free agent Gerald Wallace, they would have potentially made themselves both more competitive and more capable of making moves in the future. 如果魔术决定留住小米(为期3年的合同),并追求自由球员杰拉德.华莱士,他们将可能使这笔交易比签下614更具竞争力,在将来也更有操作性.
Had they first landed and then attacked my inadequately garrisoned city, they would have probably taken it. 而如果他们能首先在我防守不足的城市旁登陆再进行攻击,他们也许能拿下这座城市。
Had they forgotten their faith in God? 他们难道忘了他们对上帝的信仰吗?

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