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Floor Adhered with double-color patterned plastic floor tile .

Floods can carry away trees, hillsides, cars and even houses. 洪水还可以冲走树木,山坡滑体,甚至汽车房屋等都受到破坏。
Floods have caused two more deaths in central and southwestern China, bringing the death toll to 38. 中国中部和西南地区的洪灾又导致两人丧生,使死亡人数上升至38人。
Floodwaters are inundating states up and down the Eastern Seaboard. 洪水在东部沿海地区各州来来去去、涨涨落落。
Floodwaters began receding in some areas of Kentucky. 洪水在肯塔基州的某些区开始退了。
Floor / Interest Rate Floor An option contract that specifies a minimum limit on a floating interest rate. Investors can protect themselves against falling rates. 下限/利率下限就浮动利率限定最低额的期权合同。投资商能够保护自己不受利率下降影响。
Floor Adhered with double-color patterned plastic floor tile . 地板贴双色拼花塑胶地砖。
Floor add environmental protection damp proof factor in the sill, absorb water person who swell to be low. 地板基材中添加环保防潮因子,吸水膨胀率更低。
Floor biotechnological workshop,electronics,microelec-tronics dustproof rooms,electronic components production area,semiconductor room,SMT workshop etc. 生物工程车间、电子微电子车间、无尘净化室、电子组件生产区、半导体车间SMT、邦定车间等。
Floor brokers bring together buy orders with sell orders in an area called the pit. 场内经纪人在一个叫交易场的地方把买方和卖方汇聚到一起。
Floor choice, not only consider the room's actual situations, the repair style also is one of the important attributes which must have to consider. 地板的选择,不但要考虑房间的一些实际情况,装修风格也是必须要考虑的重要因素之一。
Floor level and upper limit, antinomy and dissimilation have constituted twofold angles for analysing interactive logic in the relationship between commerce capital and bureaucracy politics. “下限和上限”、“矛盾与异化”构成政治哲学的双重纬度并有效解析商业资本与官僚政治两者间的互动逻辑和矛盾运动。

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