Or do you dread doing the work, and just count the minutes until time off?
还是,你正担惊受怕地继续着你的工作,为下班时间的到来而默默倒数? |
Or do you feel worn out, worn down and exhausted?
或你觉得累坏了,情绪下沉及精疲力尽? |
Or do you have to go use the unit designer?
或者是你必须要使用单位设计工具来更改设计? |
Or do you map out enough so you kind of know what you're going to be doing?
或者说,你会不会先想出个概要来,这样在你写的时候就能多少知道下一步如何前进? |
Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her For He says, The two shall become one flesh.
林前6:16岂不知与娼妓联合的、便是与他成为一体麽.因为主说、『二人要成为一体。』 |
Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is judged by you, are you unworthy of the smallest judgments?
2岂不知圣徒要审判世界么?若世界为你们所审判,难道你们不配审判这最小的事么? |
Or do you plan on equally reaching both markets?
或者您打算在两边都努力发展? |
Or do you talk to yourself like the neighbor you despise?
你是否从你的至交好友或你轻视的邻居的角度,来和你自己聊过天? |
Or do you think Scripture says without reason that the spirit he caused to live in us envies intensely?
5你们想经上所说是徒然的吗?神所赐住在我们里面的灵,是恋爱至于嫉妒吗? |
Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us?
雅4:5你们想经上所说是徒然的麽.神所赐住在我们里面的灵、是恋爱至于嫉妒麽。 |
Or do you think you could excellently cook just because you have been eating at a number of good restaurants and now someone gave you a casserole on Christmas?
还是你会不会认爲只因爲你去过一些好餐厅吃饭,然后圣诞节时有人送锅子给你就变成你做菜很厉害? |