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However, there are still limitations with transplants and corneal allograft rejection and failure is perhaps one of the biggest hurdles that needs to be overcome.

However, there are other ways to positively identify a station, of course. 当然,还有其他的办法确定识别电台的身份。
However, there are risks in this, especially if you overdo it. 然而,这样做也存在着风险,尤其是当你过多使用时。
However, there are signs that the heavy nationalist language used by Mr Zong has not gone down well in Beijing. 不过,一些迹象表明,宗庆后使用的带有强烈民族主义色彩的语言在北京并不太奏效。
However, there are some problems in ice grape wine production as follows: unqualified raw materials, raw materials by artificial freezing, addition of sugar, and dilution by grape fruitade etc. 目前冰酒生产仍然存在原料不符合规范要求、采用人工冷冻处理原料、补加糖分和用浓缩葡萄汁稀释等弊端。
However, there are some uncertain factors restraining the sound implementation of the policy. 印度要想与东亚国家在更大规模和更深层次上开展合作,未来仍将面临诸多困难。
However, there are still limitations with transplants and corneal allograft rejection and failure is perhaps one of the biggest hurdles that needs to be overcome. 但是角膜移植因为移植物排异而导致手术失败仍是目前需要克服的最大难题。
However, there are still many problems in the process of developing bilateral trade. 但与此同时,双边经贸关系中依然存在诸多问题。
However, there are still some negative factors, such as influences of other ethnics and willingness of using power, which will be the obstacles for overseas Chinese to use their structural power. 但是,其他族群的影响以及华人行使权力的意愿等消极因素也会对华人结构性权力产生一些制约作用,从而有碍于华人结构性权力的正常发挥。
However, there are two catches. 但是,有两个捕捉。
However, there are two problems we should address before they begin to adversely affect our business at this exhibition. 但我们必须汇报两件在展览会上可能会影响我们生意的事。
However, there are women who feel some discomfort for the same reason. 然而,也有一些女人因此会感到不适。

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