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Dogs have no use for flowers, cards, or jewelry.

Dogs from the Hope Animal Assisted Crisis Response stand at attention during a memorial service in Glen Helen, Calif. for the five firefighters who died fighting the Esperanza Fire. 在美国加州海伦峡谷举行的一次追悼活动中,动物协助危机应对组织的狗狗们立正站好,缅怀前不久在加州森林大火中丧生的5名消防员。
Dogs get medical care when they are sick or injured. 当它们生病或者事受伤时会得到治疗。
Dogs have a keen sense of smell. 狗的嗅觉很灵敏.
Dogs have a similar response. 狗也有类似的反应。
Dogs have an acute sense of smell. 狗有锐利的嗅觉。
Dogs have no use for flowers, cards, or jewelry. 狗不需要鲜花、贺卡、珠宝什么的。
Dogs like to chase hares. 狗喜欢追捕野兔。
Dogs like to go hunting. 狗喜欢去打猎.
Dogs like to ride in the back of a pickup truck. 狗喜欢坐在小货车的后面.
Dogs never want a foot rub. 狗不会让你给它擦脚。
Dogs of the Working Group were bred to perform such jobs as guarding property, pulling sleds and performing water rescues. 工作犬是培养了来执行某种任务,如警戒、拉雪橇或救人等。

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