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Powell, Robert. Anarchy in International Relations Theory: The Neorealist-Neoliberal Debate.International Organization 48 (2) (1994): 313-44.

Powell has said Sudan faces a difficult task to turn offthe Janjaweed in Darfur, an area the size of France, where tens of thousands of men carry arms. 鲍尔表示,苏丹在处置达佛的阿拉伯民兵上面临艰钜的任务,这块地区与法国面积相当,纳而有数以万计的民兵持有武器。
Powell is currently in neighboring Jordan. 鲍威尔目前在邻国约旦。
Powell ran yet another sub 10 second race though he didn't threaten his record of 9.77sec and Liu made a stunning return to the international circuit after taking time off since breaking the world mark in July in Lausanne. 鲍威尔再次跑进10秒夺得男子百米冠军,但未能打破他9.77秒的个人纪录,刘翔7月在洛桑打破世界纪录后,得到充分的休息,此次重返田径场,表现惊人。
Powell's presence at the FCC stems in part from an accident that almost killed him. 鲍威尔会出现在FCC,部分得归因于一场几乎令他死于非命的意外。
Powell, 22, already had the world's fastest time this year, a run of 9.84 seconds at the Jamaica International Invitational on May 8. 鲍威尔的成绩打破了此前由美国选手蒙哥马利保持的9秒78的原男子百米世界记录。
Powell, Robert. Anarchy in International Relations Theory: The Neorealist-Neoliberal Debate.International Organization 48 (2) (1994): 313-44. “国际关系理论中的无政府状态:新现实与新自由主义之辩论”《国际组织》48(2)(1994):313-44.
Powell, a classicist, said: “Like the Roman, I seem to see the Tiber foaming with much blood. 他警告政府不能无限制吸收英联邦移民,身为古典学家的鲍威尔说:“好像罗马人,我仿佛看到了台伯河血沫翻腾。”
Power - is what gives both your beams and shields their energy levels, and controls how much energy storage you have on your ship. 功率—即分配光束(武器)和防御性装置能量水平,控制船只能量储备。
Power -ries responsibility with it. 权力本身也含有责任。
Power Cards: Take 1 of your cards from the discard stack back into your hand. 权力牌:将1张已使用的权力牌放回手中。这权力牌可再一次使用。
Power Doppler ultrasound demonstrates the neoplastic nature of the obstruction, and the patient was then treated by external biliary drainage. 能量杜卜勒超音波证实其阻塞是肿瘤所引起,因此患者接受体外胆管引流术而获得改善。

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