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“I was ironing a shirt when the phone rang and I accidentally answered the iron instead of the phone!

“I wanted to show the raw energy of the troubled times any teenager goes through... the burning emotions of their heart and the chaotic journey of their body. 『警告』本片有暴力、裸体和有违常伦的内容,可能会对观众造成精神上的强烈刺激以及不适,心理承受能力欠佳的须三思。
“I was afraid on the pitch,” explained the player himself, looking back on the moment. “He didn't do it on purpose but it was not a good feeling. “那一刻我很害怕,”德罗巴回忆起那一幕说。“他不是故意的,但让人感到很不舒服。”
“I was going to, but my car broke down. “我是打算来参加会的,但我的车抛锚了。”
“I was here before you,so let me pass.”answered the man. “我比你先到这里,所以让我先过去。”那个人回答说。
“I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation,he said, and I am sure he will perform it admirably. 我原是希望纳威做我第一阶段操作的助手的,我肯定他会做好的。
“I was ironing a shirt when the phone rang and I accidentally answered the iron instead of the phone! 我说:我正在烫衬衫的时候突然电话铃声响起来,我不小心把熨斗当成话筒就接听起来了!
“I was just coming for a shower, I'm glad your up early. Do you want to stick the kettle on and make a coffee for me coming out? 我只是来洗澡,很高兴你这样早便起床.可以替我烧壶开水弄杯咖啡,在我洗完出来时能喝到吗?”
“I was lucky to see Puskas play quite a few times,” said Ferguson. “很幸运我看过他踢球,”福格森爵士说。
“I was sent off for our protests in the tunnel. “我在通道里因为抗议被罚下。
“I was shocked that you would reproduce this painting since, for Muslims, it is sacrilegious to paint or depict any holy person” (Mohammed Busheri). “你居然要复制这幅画真让我吃惊,因为对穆斯林来说,描绘或描述任何圣人都是亵渎的行为”。
“I was talking to the duck,not to you,”the drunkard replied. “我在和鸭子说话,不是和你说话。”酒鬼回答说。

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