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The obsolete regime is about to collapse.

The obsessed craving fruitive desires, greedy, malevolent, impure, subject to joy and sorrow, such a performer is declared in the nature of passion. 沉醉于对结果利益的渴望,贪婪,恶毒,不纯洁,患喜患忧,这样的行为者就是处于欲望情感的品性中。
The obsession with Soviet intentions causes the West to be smug during periods of detente and panicky during crisis. 由于对苏联的竭力纠缠不清,使得西方在缓和时期沾沾自喜,在危机时期又惊慌失措。
The obsession with cooking and eating fatty food stayed with him. 从此对烹饪和油腻食物的痴迷一直陪伴着他。
The obsession with economic growth means other things that could improve our wellbeing are sacrificed. 让人费解的是经济增长却意味着一些可以改善心灵健康的项目要做出让步。
The obsolescence principle of the literatures library reveals the characteristics of the library materials and its development. 摘要文献的老化规律揭示了文献工作的规律和科学发展的特徵。
The obsolete regime is about to collapse. 那过时的政权即将崩溃。
The obstacles come from family, friends, personal values, expectations, and bureaucratic procedures. 障碍有来自家庭的,朋友的,还有个人价值观不同,期待不同,以及官方手续。
The obstacles in listening comprehension test paper of CET4 are briefly analyzed with view of pragmatics in order to improve the students' abilities of listening comprehension by use of the pragmatic theories, as well as to promote the listening comprehen 摘要从言语行为和会话含义的角度,分析CET4听力试题对话部分的理解障碍,以培养学生透过会话表面上的不统一看到其中蕴涵的丰富内容,把握住会话者的真正意图,从而提高学生的听力理解能力,促进大学英语听力教学。
The obstacles to soul cognition are bodily disability, mental inertia, wrong questioning, carelessness, laziness, lack of dispassion, erroneous perception, inability to achieve concentration, failure to hold the meditative attitude when achieved. 令意识受到障碍干扰的原因来自于身体障疾、业习、惑见、疏忽、怠惰、缺乏冷静、谬见、精神难以集中以及静默观想状态的失败。
The obstetrician delivered the child. 产科医生替这个孩子接生。
The obstruction of invisible tinge blocked the original smooth of my breath. 或许那种无形的气息上的隔断阻碍了我原本顺畅的呼吸。

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