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The incinerator is the important place incinerating the tail gas, where residual S and H2S are completely transformed to SO2, to ensure the tail gas from the plant reach the requirement of atmospheric environment protection.

The incidental is always out of order in the family, find arbitrarily everywhere? 家中杂物总是毫无秩序,到处乱跑吗?
The incidents are the latest as te io rise in the Palestinian territories over factional fighting and the Hamas-led government's failure to pay civil servants since February. 巴勒斯坦派系斗争不断,而且哈马斯领导的政府自从今年2月以来一直拖欠公务员的工资,因此紧张局势加剧,经常发生冲突事件。
The incidents are the latest as tensions rise in the Palestinian territories over factional fighting and the Hamas-led government's failure to pay civil servants since February. 巴勒斯坦派系斗争不断,而且哈马斯领导的政府自从今年2月以来一直拖欠公务员的工资,因此紧张局势加剧,经常发生冲突事件。
The incidience of choroidal melanoma in US is approximately 6 cases per one million (1), but is low in non-white race. 摘要在美国脉络膜恶性黑色素瘤的年发生率约每百万人有6人,但是在非白种人的发生率很低。
The incineration &disposal of wastes or other matter in the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China. 四、在中华人民共和国管辖海域焚烧处置废弃物和其他物质。
The incinerator is the important place incinerating the tail gas, where residual S and H2S are completely transformed to SO2, to ensure the tail gas from the plant reach the requirement of atmospheric environment protection. 摘要焚烧炉是尾气热焚烧的重要场所,其主要作用是焚烧尾气中残存的S和H2S并完全转化为SO2,保证装置排放尾气符合大气环保要求。
The incise of the front row seat adoption high class craft, the special sewing technique manufacturing but become.Is the internal color of the automobile of match development of. 前排座位采用高级的切割工艺,特殊的缝纫技术制造而成.是配合汽车的内部颜色开发的.
The incision made in the tissue lining the cavity is sutured next, using the same type of suture material as the bladder. 然后需要缝合体腔的开口,采用缝合膀胱的相同材料。
The incision on my leg smarts. 我腿上的伤口会感到痛苦难言。
The incision should be long enough not to hinder any part of the operation. 手术切口要有足够的长度,不能影响任何一步手术的进行。
The inclining test shall be carried out according to the inclining test programbefore sea trial and the sea trial can only be carried out after eliminating the problems and defects which are found in inclining test and subject to prior approval by classif 航行试验前应依据“倾斜试验大纲”进行倾斜试验,并在消除了倾斜试验之中所发现之问题和缺陷并在船级社及船东同意之后才能进行航行试验。

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