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Effect of different coated organic acids (including citric acid, oxalic acid, and malic acid) on detoxification of aluminum of wheat in red soil was studied using pot experiment.

Eerything new comes from the forge of hard and bitter struggle. 一切新的东西都是从艰苦斗争中锻炼出来的。
Eeterprise Profile Fu Chang village is under the command of the Xin Urban District of Baoding.The village occupies an area of 2900mu of which there are 300 mu used by enterprises. 单位简介富昌村隶属于新市区富昌乡,位于富昌乡中部,耕地面积2900亩,企业占地300亩。
Eexploitation Actuality: The travelling exploiture plan and stetting up has been finished. 开发现状:已完成旅游开发规划和立项工作。
Effect of GA3 treatments with different concentrations on the growth and development of tree peony was studied m the condition of forcing culture. 摘要以3个牡丹品种为试材,研究不同浓度赤霉素处理对不同牡丹品种生长发育的影响。
Effect of aquifer thickness, ratio of permeability coefficient and different aquifers on groundwater seepage and heat transfer caused by groundwater heat pump with pumping and recharging in the same well (GWHPPRSW) is analyzed through numerical simulation 摘要模拟分析了含水层厚度、渗透系数比和不同含水层对同井回灌地下水源热泵地下水渗流和换热的影响。
Effect of different coated organic acids (including citric acid, oxalic acid, and malic acid) on detoxification of aluminum of wheat in red soil was studied using pot experiment. 摘要通过盆栽试验研究红壤施用柠檬酸、草酸和苹果酸三种不同包膜有机酸对不同小麦品种解铝毒的作用。
Effect of different treatments on hydrogen uptake of bamboo-like carbon nanotubes. 不同处理方式对竹节状碳纳米管吸氢量的影响。
Effect of finasteride 5 mg (Proscar) on acne and alopecia in female patients with normal serum levels of free testosterone. 看标题似乎很清楚的是说,女性朋友服用波斯卡也会有效果才对,我们来看一下摘要!!
Effect of girth weld strength match on limit load and fracture resistance of high strength, large diameter pipelines steel is analyzed with FAD (Failure Analysis Diagram) method. 摘要采用失效评定图技术分析了油气长输管道中高强度管綫钢大口径管道环焊缝不同强度匹配形式对管道极度限承载能力以及抗断性能的影响。
Effect of ligustrazine and Shenmai injection on multiorgans injury induced by cerebral ischemiareperfusion in senile rats. 川芎嗪和参麦注射液对老龄大鼠脑缺血再灌注多器官损伤的作用。
Effect of plant density and fertilizer application on plantain yield in two soils from Colombia with different natural fertility is shown (Table 2). 表2说明了在哥伦比亚的两种不同天然肥力土壤上种植密度及肥料用量对大蕉产量的影响。

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