Workshop on “Sound detection lucky draw” In the second workshop, a sound detection lucky draw circuit will be presented. When sound is detected, the circuit will generate an output randomly. |
中文意思: 声音幸运轮工作坊在工作坊中,会介绍一个以声音探测的幸运轮线路。当探测到声音的时候,线路会输出一个任意的信号。 |
Works with staff to develop team goals and members, develop event information packages, provide team members with meals if overtime required, event presentation to management support, and recognition awards.
和员工一起确定小组活动目标和成员开发,提供活动需要的文件,如果加班向为改善小组提供食物,介绍改活动并得到管理者的支持,提供奖品。 |
Works with the full foot jade expected, the performance superb artistry.
作品充分用足玉料,表现高超技艺。 |
Workshop I has been designed to cater to industrial designers in all fields, including automotive design.
这个培训营的设计是针对进入更个领域的工业设计师们,包括交通工具设计。 |
Workshop management, quality control, product familiarity training.
车间管理,质量控制,产品认知培训。 |
Workshop of Toshiba Dalian Co.,Ltd., Dalian Development Zone.
大连开发区东芝大连有限公司厂房。 |
Workshop on “Sound detection lucky draw” In the second workshop, a sound detection lucky draw circuit will be presented. When sound is detected, the circuit will generate an output randomly.
声音幸运轮工作坊在工作坊中,会介绍一个以声音探测的幸运轮线路。当探测到声音的时候,线路会输出一个任意的信号。 |
Workshops for HRD professionals as well as middle and top level managers on measuring and evaluating Return-on-Investment (ROI) in training.
为人力资源发展的专业人士和中、高层经理们提供专业的研讨会,使其了解如何正确有效地评估培训课程的成效,以及为公司带来多高的投资回报率。 |
Workshops on video digitizing, clipping and embedding . My assistant will provide instruction on video digitizing, clipping and embedding. You should find this quite easy and fun.
影像的数位化、剪辑和插入培训班。助教会提供有关图像数位化、剪辑和插入的讲解。你会发现这相当容易而且有趣。 |
Workshop:Sketching and Rendering Techniques—a five-day, hands-on workshop where participants are provided intensive instruction in ideation sketching and basic rendering techniques specific to the automotive design process.
五天的周期,亲身言传身教的培训营,参加者将获得密集强化的创意草图和效果图技法,包括交通工具设计流程中的特殊技法。 |
Workunits have slightly been increased in overall length.
工作包的长度被稍微增加了一点。 |
World (Intellectual) Property Organization Deputy Director-General, Francis Gurry, says China increased its patent filings by almost 33% over 2004, bumping it into third place in the (rankings).
报告还指出,到2005年年底,全世界约有560万项专利是有效的,最高级别的专利机构为日本、美国、中国、韩国以及欧洲专利局,这五家专利局在2005年占据了世界全部专利申请资料的3/4多。 |