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B: Oh, we've ascended the world-famous Great Wall at last.

B: Oh, my. Oh, dear. This place is filthy. It looks like it's been hit by a tornado! 喔,妈呀,天啊。这个地方真脏乱。看起来就像被龙卷风扫过一样!
B: Oh, no. You see I'm in the middle of something. Could he wait? 噢,不。你看我正忙着呢。他能不能等会儿?
B: Oh, thank you so much. How about the next dance? 哦,非常谢谢你,下支曲子和我一起跳好吗?
B: Oh, thanks a lot! 啊,十分感谢!
B: Oh, we are “true ma” today, Miss Tang. 啊,汤小姐,我们今天都是“好汉”了。
B: Oh, we've ascended the world-famous Great Wall at last. 啊!我们终于登上了举世闻名的万里长城。多么壮丽的奇观啊!
B: Oh, well, you'd need your enlarger, and chemicals, and so on. 嗯,最好你有一台放大机,和化学药品,如此之类的。
B: Oh, well. As far as other conveniences in the neighborhood, there's a grocery store just up the block, and there's lots of little shops nearby. 哦,其他的便利设施还包括:街区内的一个杂货店,附近则有很多小店铺。
B: Oh, what's the best way to have them? 哦,那最好的食用它们的方法是什么?
B: Oh, yeah! They're like, I don't care about what you old folks think about my music. I just wanna play the music I like. 对啊!他们就是一副我才不管你们这些老家伙怎么想我的音乐。我就是想玩我喜欢的音乐。
B: Oh, yeah? Then you guys should have enough money for marriage pretty soon then. 喔,真的吗?那你们应该很快就有钱可以结婚了。

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