While some larger guilds of players have staged bigger battles, player-versus-player combat is otherwise very infrequent in Lineage II.
虽然有些大型血盟偶尔会有些大型盟战,不过除此之外的玩家对玩家战斗在天堂二里并不常发生。 |
While some may argue that you don't need a solid story to have a good RTS, the popularity of titles like StarCraft and the Warcraft series are enhanced by a story that followers of the various sides can sink their teeth into.
有些人可能认为好的RTS不一定要有好的故事,但是流行的作品像是星际争霸和魔兽争霸系列因为故事情节而让有着不同喜好的玩家可以沉浸其中。 |
While some may legitimately seek to develop newbreeds, or have a preference for other Standards, some have other motivations.
然后,有些人可能恰好发展出一个新的品种,或者是更偏爱起他的标准,或者其他的一些动机。 |
While some might think it sacrilege to alter such a car, even other Bentley owners have seen the joke, he says.
尽管有些人会觉得改装这么贵的一部车未免不恭,但其他开宾利的都把这件事当成一个笑话,泰然处之。 |
While some modern-day marketers have caused confusion by naively misusing the terms, the definitions are clear.
一些市场的人可能天真的误用了产品,解释是清楚的。 |
While some national oil companies are competitive and technologically advanced, others remain partially or completely closed to outside investment.
一些国家石油公司具有竞争力和先进的技术,而其他一些则部份或者完全将外来投资拒之门外。 |
While some of the youngest pieces date to 24,000 years ago, the team is cautious in their interpretation of that material because it is found lower down in the site than older material.
最年轻的碎片被定代到24000年前.这个团队在解释这些材料时十分谨慎,因为它们是在那些年代较老的碎片下面发现的. |
While some people have fretted about too many people, optimists have offered reassurance that deities or technology will provide for humankind's well-being.
虽然有些人为了世上已有太多人而烦恼,乐观者却一再保证:神只或科技会照顾人类的福祉。 |
While some people need to read the last page first, you can wait to reach the climactic end of an Agatha Christie book, and you'll appreciate every moment of Russian masters like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.
他们可以等待阿加莎-克里斯蒂的作品中的高潮慢慢到来,对俄罗斯文学大师托尔斯泰和陀斯妥耶夫斯基的作品也有着浓厚的兴趣。 |
While some people need to read the last page first, you can wait to reach the climactic end of an Agatha Christie book, and you'll a reciate every moment of Ru ian masters like Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.
他们可以等待阿加莎-克里斯蒂的作品中的高潮慢慢到来,对俄罗斯文学大师托尔斯泰和陀斯妥耶夫斯基的作品也有着浓厚的兴趣。 |
While some people on polar expeditions savor a gratifying sense of achievement, the researchers said, 40 to 60 percent of them may suffer negative effects like depression, sleep disruption, anger, irritability and conflict with co-workers.
虽然一些参加极地任务的人会有愉悦的成就感,研究人员说,但40%到60%的人可能受到负面情绪的影响,如沮丧、睡眠失调、暴躁、易怒,容易与同事起冲突。 |