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Many people have to pay a high price for popularity.

Many people have dreamed about the future. 许多人曾梦想过未来。
Many people have emailed me with ROPE success stories. 许多人发电子邮件给我,告诉我他们成功运用绳子技巧的经过。
Many people have felt cold spots in this tomb and have left the tour only for cuts and welts to appear later. 在坟墓里,许多人都会感到阴森森的,里面的磕磕绊绊也往往吓得他们提前结束游程。
Many people have milk everyday. 许多人每天喝牛奶。
Many people have the fallacious belief that touching someone with AIDS will infect them. 许多人误以为和艾滋病疾病患者接触就会被传染。
Many people have to pay a high price for popularity. 许多人为了出名,要付出很高的代价。
Many people hunt after fame in their lives but never find it. 许多人一生追求成名,但一无所获。
Many people impeached the judge for taking bribes. 很多人控告法官受贿。
Many people in Congo do believe in magic and Mr Gulick does not propose to disabuse them of the notion. 刚果的许多人都迷信魔法,而固利克先生并不建议他们能明白这种概念。
Many people in Europe in the Middle Ages thought that Galileo was wrong,but he was right after all. 中世纪欧洲有许多人都认为伽利略是错误的,但他终究还是对的。
Many people in Taiwan get a therapeutic massage every week. 许多在台湾的人每星期都让人推拿按摩。

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