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However, because the Chinese bourgeoisie lacked strength and the world had already entered the era of imperialism, this bourgeois ideology was only able to last out a few rounds and was beaten back by the reactionary alliance of the enslaving ideology of

However, because of such factors as the old systems, the factors of cities and the fanner workers themselves, there are many difficulties in this process. 但是由于原有制度的障碍以及城市、农民工自身的因素等,使得农民工市民化困难重重。
However, because of the imperfectness of current laws and that of market institutions, the rights of the migrant workers can not be well protected, which hampers the development of this way of employment. 非正规就业部门由于存在法制不健全、市场机制和环境不完善、劳动组织化程度低导致农民工的合法权益得不到应有保障,制约着该就业方式的健康发展。
However, because of the influence and constriction of many factors, it becomes one of the most difficult tasks to consummate education. 然而,使教育完善,由于要受到多种因素的影响和制约又使它成为一项最艰难的工作。
However, because of their popular form, the rankings can be easily accepted by the public. 而排行榜却以通俗的形式容易为公众所接受。
However, because space-time itself is moving in the ergosphere, it is impossible for objects to remain in a fixed position. 然而因为时空本身是在能层里移动,物体保持在固定位置是不可能的。
However, because the Chinese bourgeoisie lacked strength and the world had already entered the era of imperialism, this bourgeois ideology was only able to last out a few rounds and was beaten back by the reactionary alliance of the enslaving ideology of 可是,因为中国资产阶级的无力和世界已经进到帝国主义时代,这种资产阶级思想只能上阵打几个回合,就被外国帝国主义的奴化思想和中国封建主义的复古思想的反动同盟所打退了,被这个思想上的反动同盟军稍稍一反攻,所谓新学,就偃旗息鼓,宣告退却,失了灵魂,而只剩下它的躯壳了。
However, because the number of questions has grown to an almost unmanageable level lately, I decided it is time for me to put all my advice in an article to serve as a general resource. 然而,问题的数量已经增长到了一个难以处理的水平,于是,我便决定把所有的建议汇总在一篇文章里作为参考提供给人们。
However, because this service is targeted at business customers it has peak usage during the day, where higher call charges can apply. 但无论如何,由于服务的对象主要为商务客户,使用的高峰期都是在白天,因而收费可以调增。
However, because you are so steady, you may find that as time goes on, love is not as exciting as it once was. 然而,因为你非常的坚定,你会发现随着时间的推移,爱情将不再像当初那样令人激动了。
However, before I arrived, I felt a breeze around the bump on my elbow, which was caused by a crazy butterfly of a big breed, as it tried to land on a small bunch of flowers pinned to the breast of a beautiful bride, who was inside a big plastic bubble. 可是,我还没走到那里,就感觉肘部隆起的肿块周围一股微风,肇事者是只疯狂的蝴蝶,个头很大的那种,它正打算落到一小束花上,那花儿别在一个漂亮的新娘的胸前,新娘装在一个大大的塑料泡里。
However, before computerized control can be applied to a pharmaceutical process there usually needs to be some source document, written in English, setting forth in logical steps what needs to be done; it would be useful to review such a document in evalu 然而,在把计算机处理化控制应用到制药工艺过程前,通常需要用英文编写的,以逻辑步骤表现的源文件;在评估由手工到计算机化处理的转化的充分性时,审查这种文件将非常有用。

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