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Pigeons are easy to tame.

Pig receiver &launcher shall be horizontal, and the diameter of pig valves shall be equal to the inner diameter of the pipe cleaned. 收发球筒采用卧式平放,收、发球阀的直径应等于被清扫管线的内径。
Pig wins again, get ready to die... slowly! 肥猪又赢了,准备去死吧...慢慢的死亡!
Pig-shaped craftworks are now popular in the markets thanks to the Year of the Boar in Chinese calendar in 2007. 尽管离农历猪年还有一段时间,但各种与猪相关的工艺饰品已开始在市场上走俏。
Pig: Buddha! Somebody robbed my biscuits. Please return them to me. 八戒:好心的菩萨,有人抢走了我的饼干。请您行行好,还给我吧。
Pig: My biscuits came back. Give them to me. Give them to me. 八戒:我的饼干又回来啦。给我,给我。
Pigeons are easy to tame. 鸽子很容易驯养.
Pigeons drink water as they cool off in a tub. 鸽子们当它们在水盆之中消暑时会喝水。
Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion. 鸽子被放出去传送发生叛乱的消息。
Pigging in pipe before inspection, pipe pigging under low throughput intermittent operation; get rid of congealable oil, wax precipitation and incrustation in pipe to reduce backpressure and friction, and lower temperature. 管线内检测前清管、低输量间歇运行输油管线清管;清除管线内部的凝油、结蜡、结垢,达到减小输油回压、减小磨阻、降低输油温度的目的。
Piggy is not in.They begin to play together. “I'll build a house with red leaves,” White Mouse says. 小猪不在家,小白鼠、小灰鼠、小黄鼠就在草地上玩起来。小白鼠说:“我用红树叶做间红房子。”
Piggy puts green grapes in the green house. 小猪把绿葡萄放进绿房子。

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